An organized set of related ideas that modify one another Personal use: Helps us make sense of political questions Public use: Trying to attract allies to our position Major ideologies develop in Europe in 18 th and 19 th century What was life in medieval Europe like? Bound to each other in systems of domination Static
Liberal v. conservative in the American context
Invented by intellectuals Limit power of nobility and church High point of good society: Ability of members to develop individual capacities to fullest extent People must be responsible for their own actions So what constitutes the liberal ideology? Role for government? Favor choice, not power
Defenders of existing social arrangements Society is more than collection of individuals Let people know where they stand relevant to each other High point of good society: Maintenance of ordered community and of common values Power is binding So what constitutes the conservative ideology? Role for government?
Working class tired of liberalism Why? More congenial to labor How does it differ from liberalism? Marx and classes Marx’s view of history How do communism and socialism differ? Violence
Hitler, Mussolini, Franco No major elaborations…why? Glorify a mythical war-based society from the past Opportunist Violence and terror
Plato The Republic Guardians Aristotle If unselfish… But we are selfish… St. Augustine We need government because of human sin Thomas Aquinas Church v. Rulers Machiavelli Help kings resist the church Ruthless and pragmatic—not sentiment or morality Hobbes State of nature Leviathan
Typically, we do not think about ourselves in terms of the state to which we belong We pay more attention to central government as a result
Idea of a state is fairly recent…early 19 th Century Even then, people were not really sold on the idea Relatively large territory with stable boundaries, whose people were bound together by intricate political ties and thought of themselves distinctively in terms of the state to which they belonged Napoleon and his role from
Industry and commercial arrangements It was a mutually dependent relationship, however
Public goods Free-riders Role of the state PBS example
Nation Large group of people who are bound together, and recognize a similarity among themselves, because of a common culture—a common language seems to be very important State Political unit that has ultimate sovereignty Leaders try to link the two…why? Nationalism Where the two don’t link tend to be political hotspots Quebec, Bangladesh, Basque, Belgium, PLO, Kurds, Chechnya, Darfur Nation-States Every state in the world tries to promote feelings of common nationhood among the people living within its boundaries
Complicated! Not fun or easy! See: Iraq We sometimes end up with failed states Geographic entities with no effective central state apparatus, but controlled by various warlords and gangs in loose and fluid relationships with one another Afghanistan and Somalia
When we talk about the actions of the state, we are referring to the government Ultimate authority to act on behalf of the state The Autonomous State Government is a participant and claimant in politics Relationship between state and society Civil society
World leaders seem to be moving toward creating structures that would operate over a wider geographic range than the state The EU NAFTA IMF Ethnic and regional separatist movements Buy why? Environmental issues Appropriate scale of industry has expanded Clumsy in response to local problems
Regional integration? The UN? “World Culture” International Law Pinochet and Milosevic