Greek Word Translated Church: “Ekklesia” “Ekklesia” was a common word in first century Greek society meaning “group”. It was often used to refer to a group of people that were in one place or who were considered as one (even when not assembled). English words used to translate this word include “crowd”, “gathering”, “assembly”, or “congregation”.
WHO IS THE CHURCH? Greek Word Translated Church: “Ekklesia” “Ekklesia” was a collective noun like “collection”, “flock”, or “team”, etc. where a plural number of things, animals, or people are considered as one and so are described as singular.
WHO IS THE CHURCH? Greek Word Translated Church: “Ekklesia” “Ekklesia” was NOT an exclusively religious term. Our English word “church”, was in a way, “created by the early English translators to make a clear distinction between the common use of “ekklesia” and the religious usages. This, however, has also led to much ignorance and confusion about what the word “church” means.
WHO IS THE CHURCH? N.T. Usages Of Ekklesia: Common Uses A group of Christians Acts 18:22 A confused, riotous mob Acts 19:32, 40 A settled down crowd Acts 19:41 An assembly of government officials Acts 19:39 The Israelites traveling to Canaan Acts 7:38
WHO IS THE CHURCH? N.T. Usages Of Ekklesia: Religious Uses The universal assembly of those belonging to Christ; the group that is composed of all saved believers Mt 16:18; Acts 2:41-47 A group of disciples (ideally) who have joined together as a func- tioning unit, who worship and work together in a specific location Rom 16:16; 1 Cor 1:1-2; 2 Cor 1:1 An assembly of people gathered in one place to worship God and to edify each other Heb 2:11-12; 1 Cor 11:18; 14:19, 28, 34, 35
Descriptions of the “Universal” Church FIGURE Marriage ____________________________________________ Body ____________________________________________ Kingdom ____________________________________________ Temple ____________________________________________ Priesthood ____________________________________________ Vineyard ____________________________________________ Flock ____________________________________________ Family REL. w/JESUS He is Husband ____________________________________________ He is Head ____________________________________________ He is King ____________________________________________ He is Cornerstone ____________________________________________ He is High Priest ____________________________________________ He is Vine ____________________________________________ He is Shepherd ____________________________________________ He is Brother REL. w/OTHERS Unity-One Bride ____________________________________________ Unity/Depend. ____________________________________________ Fellow-Citizens ____________________________________________ Unity ____________________________________________ Worshippers ____________________________________________ Unity ____________________________________________ Unity ____________________________________________ Bros. and Sis. UNIT Spouse _______________________________ Member _______________________________ Citizen ________________________________ Stone ________________________________ Priest _________________________________ Branch __________________________________ Sheep __________________________________ Child
WHO IS THE CHURCH? THE CHURCH IS PEOPLE Eph 5 Jesus is the Head of 22 Jesus is the Savior of 23 Subject to Jesus 24 Jesus loved 25 Jesus gave Himself for 25 Jesus sanctified 26 Jesus cleansed 26 Holy and blameless 27 Jesus nourishes 29 Jesus cherishes 29