1 2008 Global Event on Measuring the Information Society Geneva, 27 – 29 May 2008 Session 4: Measurement of ICT impact Broadband impacts on Internet use.


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Presentation transcript:

Global Event on Measuring the Information Society Geneva, 27 – 29 May 2008 Session 4: Measurement of ICT impact Broadband impacts on Internet use by Households and Individuals Pierre Montagnier, OECD

2 Conceptual framework Source: Adapted from OECD, Guide to Measuring the Information Society (2005), and ORBICOM, Monitoring the Digital Divide… and Beyond (2003). Focus of the paper

3 Main points Communication expenditures: a decade of relative expansion The spread of ICT tools: PC, Internet access, and broadband access (focusing mainly on home) and change in use and in frequency Time: change in the amount devoted to ICT Digital divide: beyond the first level (access), the second level (use) Selected policy issues

4 Changes in the proportion of households’expenditures by category in the OECD Source: OECD, based on SNA database. Base 100 in New-Zealand and Turkey not included, and estimates for 2006.

5 Evolution of the relative propensity index of communications expenditures in selected OECD countries, Source: OECD, based on SNA database.

6 Households access to the internet in selected OECD countries, Source: OECD, based on ICT database and national sources.. For Japan, households that own equipment that can use internet. For Korea, wired internet access only.

7 Households access to broadband in selected OECD countries, Source: OECD, based on data from National Statistical Offices, Eurostat and NIDA (Korea)..

8 Broadband and Internet access & use: Selected socio-economic variables Education Age: a generationnal effect Occupation Income Gender Children Place of connection

9 Broadband impact on Internet activities Selected OECD countries, 2006 Source: OECD, based on data from National Statistical Offices and Eurostat Newronos database Note: 2005 for Canada. Differences, in percentage points, for a specific activity: - for European countries, between individuals who live in a household with a broadband access and those who live in a household with internet access but with no broadband access. Countries for which the difference is the highest have been selected. Difference, in percentage points, between broadband users and narrowband users [1]

10 Broadband impact on Internet activities Selected OECD countries, 2006 Source: OECD, based on data from National Statistical Offices and Eurostat Newronos database Difference, in percentage points, between broadband users and narrowband users Note: 2005 for Canada. Differences, in percentage points, for a specific activity: - for European countries, between individuals who live in a household with a broadband access and those who live in a household with internet access but with no broadband access. Countries for which the difference is the highest have been selected. [2]

11 Broadband impact on Internet activities Selected OECD countries, 2007 Source: OECD, based on data from National Statistical Offices and Eurostat New Cronos database Note: 2005 for Canada. Differences, in percentage points, for a specific activity (watching TV not included); - for European countries, between individuals who live in a household with a broadband access and those who live in a household with internet access but with no broadband access. Countries for which the difference is the highest have been selected. Difference, in percentage points, between broadband users and narrowband users [1]

12 Broadband impact on Internet activities Selected OECD countries, 2007 Source: OECD, based on data from National Statistical Offices and Eurostat New Cronos database Note: 2005 for Canada. Differences, in percentage points, for a specific activity; - for European countries, between individuals who live in a household with a broadband access and those who live in a household with internet access but with no broadband access. Countries for which the difference is the highest have been selected. Difference, in percentage points, between broadband users and narrowband users [2]

13 Broadband diffusion and time spent on Internet in Norway, Source: OECD, based on data from Statistics Norway and Eurostat.

14 Internet used in Norway, daily average, by education attainment Source: Statistics Norway

15 Broadband impact on daily internet connection in France, Source: CREDOC, Percentages of people accessing internet from home daily

16 Gini coefficients for Internet dispersion by income level in selected OECD countries, Source: OECD estimates, based on data from National Statistical Offices.

17 Broadband effect on versatility of Home Internet use Source: OECD, based on data from Sirkiä et al., Finland (2004) Canada (2005)

18 Source: OECD, based on data from Statistics Finland and statistics Canada. Finland (2006) Canada (2005) Versatility of Home Internet use

19 Source: OECD, based on data from CBS Netherlands. Diversity of Internet activities in the Netherlands,

20 Education, knowledge, social capital and the second level divide Influence of the social capital on the access level Influence of the level of education and skills on diversity and intensity of Internet use, and on the perceived usefulness of ICTs (computer) complexity of interactions at stake in the link between socio-economic status and the intensity and variety of usage Differences in existing pattern of use are magnified by the distorting power of the ICT tools. New approaches to education and training Role of leaders and models, intermediaries and mediators for the digital inclusion Futur work: usage divide study using micro data

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