Your name PAPER CONVERTED TO APA STYLE. Paper Source Ochs, J. B., Watkins, T. A., & Boothe, B. W. (2001). Creating a Truly Multidisciplinary Entrepreneurial.


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Presentation transcript:


Paper Source Ochs, J. B., Watkins, T. A., & Boothe, B. W. (2001). Creating a Truly Multidisciplinary Entrepreneurial Educational Environment. Proceedings for the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition. Retrieved January 27, 2013, from


1.Deiter, George E., Engineering Design, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, New York, Magrab, Edward B., Integrated Product and Process Design and Development, CRC Press, New York, New York, Ulrich, Karl T. and Eppinger, Steven D., Product Design and Development, Second Edition, Irwin McGraw Hill, New York, New York, Patterson, Marvin L. and Fengolio, John A., Leading Product Innovation, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, New York, Todd A. Watkins, John B. Ochs and Berrisford W. Boothe, Integrating Design Arts, Engineering and Business Curricula through Multidisciplinary Product Design Projects, Proceeding from the Second Annual NCIIA Conference, Washington DC, March 13-15, Chase, Brandon D., Cyclops Keeps an Eye on the Bumps, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Advantage Magazine, V9, Number 8, December Chase, Brandon D., Students Develop a Pitching Monitor to Aid Scouts, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Advantage Magazine, V9, Number 8, December Jason Kislin and Roy Probst, The Entrepreneurial Environment of the Lehigh Valley: A Regional Benchmarking Study, Lehigh University Community Research and Policy Service, Osborne, S. W., Falcone, T. W. and Nagendra, P. B., From Unemployed to Entrepreneur: A Case Study in Intervention, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 5, (2), , Ochs, John B. and Watkin Todd A., Demonstration Project Linking Academic Entrepreneurial Courses with Dislocated and New Entrant Workers for Self Employment and New Company Start-ups, Department of Labor Grant, Jan Ochs, John B. and Boothe, Berrisford, W., Congressional Grant from the Department of Education to Lehigh University, Grant #P116Z000033, Jan Ochs, John B., NASA/CAPE IPD Projects, subcontract to grant #991182, March Ochs, John B. and Wolkoff, Regina L., Global Collaboration, The Journal of British Association for Open Learning, Issue 51, Jan Van Kollenburg, Peter A. and Ochs, John B., Collaborative Engineering Experiences, Proceedings of the 22 nd SEED Annual Design Conference and 7 th National Conference on Product Design Education, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, September Bell, Steven H., Improving the Evaluation of DOL/ETA Pilot and Demonstration Projects: a guide for practitioners, DOL Contract #F , The Urban Institute, Jan 20, ORIGINAL REFERENCES

Bell, S. H. (2000). Improving the Evaluation of DOL/ETA Pilot and Demonstration Projects: a guide for practitioners, DOL contract #F The Urban Institute. Retrieved n.d., from Chase, B. D. (2000). Cyclops Keeps an Eye on the Bumps. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Advantage Magazine, 9(8). Chase, B. D. (2000). Student Develop a Pitching Monitor to Aid Scouts. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Advantage Magazine, 9(8). Deiter, G. E. (1991). Engineering Design. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. Kislin, J. & Probst, R. (1999). The Entrepreneurial Environment of the Lehigh Valley: A Regional Benchmarking Study. Lehigh University Community Research and Policy Service. Retrieved n.d., from Magrab, E. B. (1997). Integrated Product and Process Design and Development. New York, New York: CRC Press. Ochs, J. B. (2000). NASA/CAPE IPD Projects, subcontract to grant # Ochs, J. B. & Boothe, B. W. (2000). Congressional Grant from the Department of Education to Lehigh University. Grant #P116Z Ochs, J. B. & Watkin, T. (2001). Demonstration Project Linking Academic Entrepreneurial Courses with Dislocated and New Entrant Workers for Self Employment and New Company Start-ups. Department of Labor Grant. Ochs, J. B. & Wolkoff, R. L. (2000). Global Collaboration. The Journal of British Association for Open Learning, (51). Osborne, S. W., Falcone, T. W. & Nagendra, P. B. (2000). A Case Study in Intervention. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 5(2), Patterson, M. L. & Fenoglio, J. A. (1999). Leading Product Innovation. New York, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Watkins, T. A., Ochs, J. B. & Boothe, B. W. (1998). Integrating Design Arts, Engineering and business Curricula through Multidisciplinary Product Design Projects. Proceeding from the Second Annual NCIIA Conference. Ulrich, K. T. & Eppinger, S. D. (2000). Product Design and Development. New York, New York: Irwin McGraw Hill. Van Kollenburg, P. A. & Ochs, J. B. (2000). Collaborative Engineering Experiences. Proceedings of the 22 nd SEED Annual Design Conference and 7 th National Conference on Product Design Education. APA STYLE REFERENCES

Original & APA Style CITATIONS

 Orignial Textbook authors write and students study engineering design, concurrent engineering and design in a broad context 1,2,3,4.  APA Style Textbook authors write and students study engineering design, concurrent engineering and design in a broad context. (Deiter, 1991; Magrab, 1997; Patterson & Fengolio, 1999; Ulrich & Eppinger, 2000). CITATIONS

 Original Many schools have addressed this issues in the capstone project class 5 [This reference contains an additional 36 references of various schools’ approaches].  APA Style Many schools have addressed this issues in the capstone project class (Watkins, Ochs, & Boothe, 1998) [This reference contains an additional 36 references of various schools’ approaches]. CITATIONS

 Original The Bike project and the radar gun were featured in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) magazine 6,7.  APA Style The Bike project and the radar gun were featured in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) magazine (Chase, 2000a, 2000b). CITATIONS

 Original In the spring of 2001 with funding from the Federal Department of Labor the iP 3 Program will initiate an outreach program to attract entrepreneurs from the local area to work with the e- teams to develop business plans and working prototypes 8,9,10.  APA Style In the spring of 2001 with funding from the Federal Department of Labor the iP 3 Program will initiate an outreach program to attract entrepreneurs from the local area to work with the e- teams to develop business plans and working prototypes (Kislin & Probst, 1999; Ochs & Watkin, 2001; Osborne, Falcone, & Nagendra, 2000). CITATIONS

 Original With funding from the Federal Department of Education 11 and a grant from NASA and the Community of Agile Partners in Education (CAPE) 12, the program is investigating ways to globalize the e-teams based on the experiences gained from the graduate IPD courses.  APA Style With funding from the Federal Department of Education (Ochs & Boothe, 2000) and a grant from NASA and the Community of Agile Partners in Education (CAPE) (Ochs, 2000), the program is investigating ways to globalize the e-teams based on the experiences gained from the graduate IPD courses. CITATIONS

 Original Using video conferencing, the Internet and phone the teams with at least three members from each school, have developed products for Philips Electronics 13,14.  APA Style Using video conferencing, the Internet and phone the teams with at least three members from each school, have developed products for Philips Electronics (Ochs & Wolkoff, 2000; Van Kollenburg & Ochs, 2000). CITATIONS

 Original In keeping with the methods and procedures of the Department of Labor and in preparation for ABET accreditation, three evaluation activities will be conducted to demonstrate that programs objectives are being met with particular focus on entrepreneurs 10,15.  APA Style In keeping with the methods and procedures of the Department of Labor and in preparation for ABET accreditation, three evaluation activities will be conducted to demonstrate that programs objectives are being met with particular focus on entrepreneurs (Bell, 2000; Ochs & Watkin, 2001). CITATIONS