Major part of psychology for researchers, students, clinicians, etc… Difference between journal article and popular press articles Scholarly Journal- A Periodical that publishes technical and scholarly material ◦ Represents core of intellectual activity in any academic disicipline ◦ Examples
Written specifically for others in the field ◦ Specific format and precise language Other contents of scholarly journal articles
1.) Library 2.) Google Scholar 3.) PSYInfo or PSYArticles
Searchable Computerized databases utilized by Clinton Community College PSYInfo is a larger database storing both full text articles and references to articles where full text is not available PSYArticles only has full text articles How to use
1.) Title Page 2.) Abstract 3.) Introduction 4.) Method 5.) Results 6.) Discussion 7.) References This is APA (American Psychological Association) format
Abstract- Concise summary of research ◦ Approximately 200 words
Provides overview Discusses background literature Discusses reasoning for current study and the hypothesis
Thorough description of research methods used and study protocol 3 separate sections: ◦ 1.) Participants ◦ 2.) Materials ◦ 3.) Procedure
Complex statistical work presented here ◦ Numerical data, figures, tables, graphs No actual conclusions stated
Typically consists of 3 things: ◦ Conclusions ◦ Limitations ◦ Future Research Direction
Acknowledgement of sources where authors obtained background material or key terminology. Approved format by APA