MMR Library Resource Centre Documentation
What is it? A list of all the sources you used for your research. In alphabetical order Special style
Why? You must say if you borrowed the material and where you borrowed it from. You must give credit to the author for any information you use. Your work is honest, not plagiarized.
Which style? MLA styleAPA style Geography Science Tech Business Social Sciences English Arts History Languages
APA Style Books Encyclopedias DVDs, Videos Online Databases Websites Many other possibilities
APA Style Author’s name Date Title Publisher Place of Publication
APA Style - Print Author.Title of book. Place of Publication:Publisher. Bosco, D.The People’s guide to New York:Marshall Cavendish. (1996). (Year). vitamins and minerals from A to zinc.
APA Style – Online Encyclopedia Riboflavin deficiency.(2006). Retrieved November 6, 2009, from Gale Cengage database. The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Brody, T.
References Create your own References list. Do not add any extra sources that you have no dot jots for. Include every source you used for your dot jots.
References Follow the examples on the handout. Ask for help if you need it!