22-23 June 2004TISPAN-3GPP Workshop - Sophia-Antipolis 1 NGN Workitems (The making of) Martin Niekus Lucent Technologies
22-23 June 2004TISPAN-3GPP Workshop - Sophia-Antipolis 2 Agenda 1.Approval of agenda and Documents(s1) 2.Workshop objectives(s1) 3.3GPP and TISPAN organisation(s1) 4.NGN Architecture & Release 1 definition (s2) 5.IMS architecture and capabilities(s2) 6.Issues related to reuse of IMS for NGN (s3-s4) 7.Support of PSTN/ISDN service emulation (s5) 8.Ongoing activities and Workplan(s5) 9.Future cooperation/interactions(s6) 10.Wrap-up and closure(s6)
22-23 June 2004TISPAN-3GPP Workshop - Sophia-Antipolis 3 NGN_R1 Workitems DTR/TISPAN NGN-R1: NGN Release; Release definition DTR/TISPAN NGN-R1 1-Start; Dick Knight (BT) DTR/TISPAN NGN-R1: Service requirements for end-to-end session control in multimedia networks DTR/TISPAN NGN-R1 1-Start; Paul Sijben (Pulver) DTS/TISPAN NGN-R1: Instant Messaging Service description DTS/TISPAN NGN-R1 2-1 st draft; Dick Knight (BT) Proprietary forms of messaging?, FMMS, For IM re-use 3GPP. DTS/TISPAN NGN-R1: Presence Service Capabilities DTS/TISPAN NGN-R1 2-1 st draft; Dick Knight (BT); First detail work stumbles over general issues like E.164/DNS addressing. DES/TISPAN NGN-R1: NGN Functional architecture for NGN Release 1 DES/TISPAN NGN-R1 6-stable; Bruno Chatras (FT) New functional entities located on the network boundaries: I-BGF, RACF. DES/TISPAN NGN-R1: Funct. Arch. for PSTN/ISDN Emulation DES/TISPAN NGN-R1 0-TB adopt; Phil Mart (Marconi); Emulation architecture views need to converge. DES/TISPAN NGN-R1: Funct. Arch. for Resource and Admission Control Sub-system (RACS) DES/TISPAN NGN-R1 0-TB adopt; Leonardo Finizola e Silva (Alcatel); Support for PUSH services. DES/TISPAN NGN-R1: Funct. Arch.; Network Attachment Sub-system DES/TISPAN NGN-R1 2-1 st draft; Richard Brennan (Pulver)
22-23 June 2004TISPAN-3GPP Workshop - Sophia-Antipolis 4 NGN_R1 Workitems cont. DEN/TISPAN NGN-R1: Interworking for SIP/SIP-T (BICC, ISUP) DEN/TISPAN NGN-R1 6-Stable; Roland Jesske (DTAG) DES/TISPAN NGN-R1: H.248 profile for gateways to ensure PSTN/ISDN service continuity DES/TISPAN NGN-R1 2-1st draft; Bruno Chatras (FT); Support: Stimulus Analogue Line Package. DEN/TISPAN NGN-R1: Interworking of DSS1 and SIP for ISDN basic call and supplementary services DEN/TISPAN NGN-R1 6-Stable; Peter Kotar (Alcatel) DTS/TISPAN NGN_R1: Single Sign-On Registration Procedure DTS/TISPAN NGN_R1 2-1st draft; Paul Sijben (Pulver) DES/TISPAN NGN-R1: Endorsement of IP Multimedia Call Control Protocol based SIP and SDP DES/TISPAN NGN-R1 2-1st draft; Azfar Aslam (Lucent) DTS/TISPAN NGN-R1: Security requirements and Architecture DTS/TISPAN NGN-R1 2-1st draft; Martin Euchner (Siemens); Next step is mapping to 3G security. DTS/TISPAN NGN-R1: NGN OSS Architecture Release 1 DTS/TISPAN NGN-R1 1-Start; Michel Valette (FT) DTS/TISPAN NGN-R1: NGN OSS Services Release 1 DTS/TISPAN NGN-R1 2-1st draft; Bengt Zdebel (Telia-Sonera)
22-23 June 2004TISPAN-3GPP Workshop - Sophia-Antipolis 5 Release independent Workitems DTS/TISPAN NGN: NGN functional requirements DTS/TISPAN NGN 1-Start; Jean-Marie Stupka (Siemens); The requirements for following releases. DTR/TISPAN NGN: NGN Terminology DTR/TISPAN NGN 0-TB adopt; Klaus Pulverer (Siemens); Striving for allignment with 3Gs and ITU. DES/TISPAN NGN: NGN Architecture Framework DES/TISPAN NGN 0-TB adopt; Richard Brennan (Pulver); Release independent architecture. DTR/TISPAN NGN: ENUM privacy and Security DTR/TISPAN NGN 6-Stable; Anthony Holms (BT) DTS/TISPAN NGN: Interface Protocol Requirements Definition; QoS Contol in Access Networks DTS/TISPAN NGN 1-Start; Dave Mustill (BT) DTS/TISPAN NGN: Endorsement of ITU-T Rec. Y.1541 on Network performance objectives for IP-based services DTS/TISPAN NGN 1-Start; Martin Brand (Telekom Austria) DTS/TISPAN NGN: Endorsement of ITU-T Rec. M.2301 DTS/TISPAN NGN 1-Start; Martin Brand (Telekom Austria) DTS/TISPAN NGN: QoS of Multimedia Services in TISPAN-NGN DTS/TISPAN NGN 0-TB adopt; Trond Ulseth (Telenor)
22-23 June 2004TISPAN-3GPP Workshop - Sophia-Antipolis 6 NGN_R1 Timing
22-23 June 2004TISPAN-3GPP Workshop - Sophia-Antipolis 7 Priorities/Issues Degree of technical alignment with 3GPPs Emulation support by IMS One common SIP profile based on 3GPP IMS SIP QoS doubts with respect to jitter requirements etc. Security: Investigate if 3GPP mechanisms comply. Management: Support for high-level functionality Other work impacting the NGN project Published TISPAN documents that can be revised Non-NGN Work-items impacting services e.g. EMTEL, Regulation Coordination with 3GPPs Timing: 3GPP releases versus TISPAN R1 Per 3G document to be determined: Stage 1 and/or 2 and/or 3 3GPP, TISPAN, Joint Approval for Joint components Publishing: Delta documents against ETSI published files?
22-23 June 2004TISPAN-3GPP Workshop - Sophia-Antipolis 8 Backup slides
22-23 June 2004TISPAN-3GPP Workshop - Sophia-Antipolis 9 NGN Endorsement of Published TISPAN work ETSI TS ( ) Reference: DTS/TISPAN Technical Title: IUA (Endorsement of RFC 3057) ETSI TS ( ) Reference: DTS/TISPAN Technical Title: Gate Control Protocol; H.248 Profile & ETSI Packages ETSI TS V1.2.1 ( ) Reference: RTS/TISPAN Tech Title: Digital Broadband Cable Access to the Public Telecommunications Network;IP Multimedia Time Critical Services;Part 13: Trucking Gateway Control Protocol;Sub-part 1: H.248 option ETSI ES V1.1.1 ( ) Reference: DES/TISPAN FMMS Title: Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN);Fixed network Multimedia Messaging Service (F-MMS);PSTN/ISDN;Part 5: Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. One (DSS1) protocol, Signalling System No. 7 (SS7) - ISDN User Part (ISUP), and inter-working between DSS1 and ISUP ETSI TS V1.2.2 ( ) Reference: RTS/TISPAN EMTEL Title: Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN);Emergency Location Protocols
22-23 June 2004TISPAN-3GPP Workshop - Sophia-Antipolis 10 NGN Technology Neutral Protocol Work-items DEG/TISPAN Tech; Architectural scenarios and applicability for different SIGTRAN adaptation layers Schwarzbauer Hanns Juergen SIEMENS AG
22-23 June 2004TISPAN-3GPP Workshop - Sophia-Antipolis 11 Other WG3 Projects DES/TISPAN DTM; ES Dynamic Synchronous Transfer Mode (DTM); Part 12: Mapping of MPLS over DTM Danielson Magnus NET INSIGHT AB TISPAN EMTEL TISPAN DTM TISPAN & AT F-MMS