Animal Science Test Cattle Breeds and External Body Parts Fall 2009
1. Name this breed of cattle Sacred cow of India
2. Name this breed of cattle Developed in Scott land
3. Name this breed of cattle. Dairy Cattle from Netherlands
4. Name this breed of cattle. From England Bos Taurus type
5. Name the breed of cattle. Come from Texas
6. Name the breed of cattle.
7. Name this breed of cattle? These cattle are from France
8. Name the breed of cattle. These cattle come from Italy
9. Name this breed of cattle. This breed comes from France
10. Name this breed of cattle. These cows are breed for milk
11. Name this breed of cattle. These cattle are a Angus and Braham cross.
12. Name this breed of cattle. These cows are from Switzerland
13. Name this breed of cattle Developed on the King Ranch in Texas
MuzzleTop of ShoulderRumpHockForeflankDewlap FaceCropsTailheadFoot or ToeDew ClawPoint of Shoulder ForeheadBackPinsPasternCannonNeck PollLoinQuarter of Round CodKneeThroat CrestLoin EdgeTwistRibsForearmJaw ShoulderHooks or HipsStifleHeartBrisketRear Flank