Department of Mathematics and Science Millard E. Lightburn, Ph.D. District Science Supervisor Mary Tweedy and Keisha Kidd Curriculum Support Specialists DATA ANALYSIS GRADE 5 Elementary Science Leaders and Coaches Dialogue Session 1
Data can… provide feedback on the past and provide a basis to begin planning for the future What Kind of Information can Data Provide us? Department of Mathematics and Science
IMPORTANCE OF DATA Facilitate a clear understanding of the gaps between where the school or class is and where it wants to be. Show if school or class goals and objectives are being accomplished. Predict and prevent failures. Predict and ensure successes. Establish foundation for Continuous School Improvement/SIP. Data drives instruction, and professional development. Department of Mathematics and Science
Effective Use of Classroom Data Teaching Using Results Planning Student Learning Assessing Source: Dr. Yuwadee Wongbundhit
Science Pretest Results K-5 (MDCPS 2013) GRADEStudents Tested % Below Mastery % At Mastery Average Performance KINDERGARTEN9,50958%42%62% FIRST10,24990%10%47% SECOND11,56580%20%51% THIRD13,26996%4%41% FOURTH12,56394%6%44% FIFTH22,67293%7%46%
Elementary Science Pretest Performance by Reporting Category ( ) GRADE LEVEL LIFE SCIENCE PHYSICAL SCIENCE EARTH & SPACE NATURE OF SCIENCE KINDER62%66%59% FIRST53%51%42% SECOND49%55%47% THIRD37%44%50%29% FOURTH49%47%42%37% FIFTH45%52%43%36%
Grade 5 Baseline Assessment Results (District ) YearAssessmentStudent Tested Average % Correct Percent Proficient (70%) 2011Baseline24,14145%5% 2012Baseline23,07647%6% 2013Baseline22,67246%7% Question GroupBaseline 2011Baseline 2012Baseline 2013 Nature of Science 35%38%36% Earth Space Science 42%45%43% Physical Science51%53%52% Life Science46%47%45%
Benchmarks 2012 Results 2013 ResultsDifference ( ) (%) SC.3.L %34%-3 SC.4.E %41% SC.4.E %29% SC.4.E %49% SC.4.E %38%-3 SC.4.L %43%-3 SC.4.L %49%-2 SC.5.N %30%-2 SC.5.N % 0 SC.5.N %48%-2 SC.5.E % 0 SC.5.E % 0 SC.5.E %36% Comparison of Grade 5 Baseline Results 2012 and 2013
Benchmarks 2012 Results 2013 ResultsDifference ( ) (%) SC.5.E.7.342%39%-3 SC.5.P.8.156%57% SC.5.P.8.355%51%-4 SC.5.P.9.144% 0 SC.5.P %74% -2 SC.5.P %51% SC.5.P %46% SC.5.P %49% +1 SC.5.P %44% -2 SC.5.L %54% SC.5.L %42% -2 SC.5.L %47% Comparison of Grade 5 Baseline Results 2012 and 2013
Grade 5 Science Assessments Calendar ( ) Baseline: August 9 – Sept 13, 2013 Fall IA: Oct 28 - Nov 15, 2013 Winter IA: Jan 21- Feb 14, 2014 FCAT 2014: (April 22 – May 7, 2014)
Interim Assessments (IA) for Grade 5 (All benchmarks will be assessed on Baseline, Fall and Winter assessments) Quarterly Science Benchmark Assessments (QSBA) for Grades K- 4 will assess benchmarks covered in each quarter: Pretest/Post-test, Quarters 1, 2, 3, 4) QSBA for K-4 will be administered at the end of each grading period. Available: First QSBA available October 21, Department of Mathematics and Science
Grade 5 Science Interim cut scores are based on statistical regression analysis between students performance on Interim Assessment and scale scores on 2012 FCAT 2.0: Fall IA satisfactory cut score: 51% or higher Winter IA satisfactory cut score: 53% or higher (Cut Scores) Baseline Proficiency Level: 70% Gr. 5 Science Interims Cut Scores Department of Mathematics and Science
FCAT 2.0 Content Focus Analysis BenchmarksContent Focus Reporting Category 1. Nature of Science SC.5.N.1.1Defending conclusions; Identifying a control group34 SC.5.N.2.1Explanations based on evidence; Identifying empirical evidence; Importance of observations 43 SC.5.N.2.2Importance of repeated trials; Reasons for differences in data33 Reporting Category Point Total10 Reporting Category 2. Earth and Space Science SC.4.E.5.4Appearance of stars; Appearance of the Moon; Earth's revolution23 SC.4.E.6.2Classifying rocks11 SC.4.E.6.3Florida resources; Renewable v. nonrenewable resources13 SC.4.E.6.4Weathering—ice11 SC.5.E.5.1Components of a galaxy; Energy from stars; Star brightness; Star brightness and distance 14 SC.5.E.5.3Distinguishing between inner and outer planets; Planet characteristics22 SC.5.E.7.1Water cycle—states of matter41 SC.5.E.7.3Weather—humidity41 Reporting Category Point Total16
FCAT 2.0 Content Focus Analysis cont’d… …. BenchmarksContent Focus Reporting Category 3. Physical Science SC.5.P.8.1Comparing objects—volume31 SC.5.P.8.3Dissolving—stirring21 SC.5.P.9.1Identifying chemical change11 SC.5.P.10.1Heat energy produced by friction; How light travels; Light behavior refraction; Mechanical energy 34 SC.5.P.10.2Energy causing a change; Energy causing motion12 SC.5.P.10.4Converting electric energy to light energy; Electric circuits; Neutral objects attracted to charged objects 33 SC.5.P.13.1Forces—friction; Forces—magnetic22 SC.5.P.13.2Force and motion relationships; Speed12 Reporting Category Point Total16 Department of Mathematics and Science
FCAT 2.0 Content Focus Analysis cont’d… BenchmarksContent Focus Reporting Category 4. Life Science SC.3.L.14.1Germination; Plant structures; Seed dispersal34 SC.4.L.16.4Comparing insect life cycles11 SC.4.L.17.3Energy flow through a food chain; Producers12 SC.5.L.14.1Organ functions—intestines11 SC.5.L.14.2Animal classification—invertebrates; Animal classification—vertebrates; Comparing animal structures; Comparing plant and animal structures; Plant classification—flowering plants 45 SC.5.L.17.1Behavioral adaptations31 Reporting Category Point Total1614 The Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) benchmarks and content foci assessed on the 2013 FCAT 2.0 assessment are not predictive of future FCAT 2.0 content. Content Focus Reports should not be used to make decisions about instruction at the individual student level Department of Mathematics and Science
Scale Score for Each Achievement Level ( ) Scale Score for Each Achievement Level ( ) Gr. 5 Science FCAT 2.0 Department of Mathematics and Science
Grade 5 Science FCAT 2.0 Achievement Level Descriptions Grade 5 Science FCAT 2.0 Achievement Level Descriptions Gr. 5 Science FCAT 2.0 Department of Mathematics and Science
FCAT Science - Grade 5 Year Total Students Tested % Levels 3-5 Physical/ChemicalEarth/SpaceLife/EnvironmentalScientific Thinking Possible Points Avg. % Correct Possible Points Avg. % Correct Possible PointsAvg. % Correct Possible Points Avg. % Correct , %1675%1471%1060% , %1669%1471%1070% , %1164%1369%1464% , %1070%1362%1457% , %1354%1362%1354% , %1450%1362%1258% , %1547%1250%1250% GRADE 5 SCIENCE FCAT RESULTS DISTRICT LEVEL
Performance by Reporting Categories (Gr 5 Science FCAT) (Retro)
Performance by achievement levels (Gr 5 Science FCAT )
Grade 5 FCAT Science Comparative Results for MDCPS, State, Broward & Palm Beach ( )
Actionable Data by Dr. Yuwadee Wongbundhit -School Performance Data, FCAT, Baseline and Interims Data Online Resources