Chapter 15 Vocab The New Deal
Roosevelt’s policies for ending the Great Depression.
Eleanor Roosevelt Wife (and distant cousin) of FDR. Transformed the role of first lady
First Hundred Days The first 100 days of FDRs presidency Between March 9 and June 16, 1933, Congress passed 15 major acts to meet the economic crisis.
Fireside Chat Radio addresses that FDR used to address the American people directly to let them know what he was trying to accomplish.
Bank “Holiday” FDRs first act as president FDR temporarily closed the banks Emergency Banking Relief Act: required federal examiners to survey the nations banks and give certificates to re-open to those that were sound.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Provided government insurance for bank deposits up to a certain amount. Increased public confidence in the system.
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) Under the AAA, farmers would be paid NOT to grow crops. This should end the over-production of crops and raise crop prices. PROBLEM: Food prices raise during depression AND tenent farmers become homeless and jobless.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Built dams and hydroelectric plants in the Tennessee River Valley to control flooding, generate power, and attract industry to the South.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Employed single men, ages 18-25, for natural resource conservation Lived in camps near their work areas and earned $30/ month
Second New Deal A second series of programs and reforms that FDR hoped would speed up the nation’s recovery, provide economic security to every American, and ensure his re-election in 1936.
Works Progress Administration (WPA) Combated unemployment; created jobs throughout the economy.
Social Security Act Created unemployment system, disability insurance, old-age pension, and child welfare benefits
Wagner Act/ National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Guaranteed the right of workers to organize unions and to bargain collectively.
Court Packing FDR’s plan to increase the number of supreme court justices from 9 to 15. This fiasco hurt FDR politically, as many feared court-packing would upset the balance of power in the government.
Frances Perkins The first female cabinet member in US history. Nominated by FDR to be Secretary of Labor.
Black Cabinet A group of influential African Americans who advised president Roosevelt on issues that affected them.
Mary McLeod Bethune A member of the black cabinet and a powerful champion of racial equality. Bethune was also close friends with Mrs. Roosevelt.