Maximising Our Green Time
Leverage The Value of Your Personal Network A simple strategy, combined with a compensation plan that rewards leadership provides an unequaled ability to capture leveraged income with equal opportunity for all to do the same!
Volume is the lifeblood of an organization No product usage, no organization can survive Having a ADR mindset…..
Distributor Green Time Management Prospect & Invite 50% Present 25% Enroll 5% Teach & Duplicate 20% Until you reach Diamond 50%+ of your business building time should be spent ONLY prospecting and inviting.
What Actions Create Volume? 1.Using products yourself 2.Sharing products with others 3.Recruiting & Training New Distributors
Prospect Invite Present Sponsor study gene science conference calls Facebook read blogs watch TV talk on the phone twitter study catalog complaints LOI complain research ingredients take nap procrastinate delay you tube Hand out business cards make flyers Teach & Duplicate
How do you use your time? Planned the day Called Prospects Drove kids to school Worked Out Answered s Housework Lunch Meeting Picked up kids Soccer / Prospected
How do you use your time? Drove kids to school Housework Picked up kids Lunch Meeting Called Prospects Planned the day Answered s Soccer Practice Worked Out Talked to Anne Green: Volume Producing Time Red: Administrative Time Yellow: Leisure Time
How much time are you spending in Administrative Time?
Spend most of your time in Volume Producing Time!
Use your time effectively Plan your day Focus on Green Time!
What Will You Do With Your Next 24 Hours?
Plan Weekly Schedule Time for Your Business Define Weekly Targets How many new distributors will I enroll this week? How many presentations will I do? How many people will I prospect this week? I plan my whole week on the Sunday Night
Staying in Action GPN StepTracker The GPN StepTracker assists you in staying focused on business activities that lead to volume. StepTracker works on a point system. You should reach a minimum of 4 points each day. Points are directly connected to business building activities. For each new prospect you add to your list, you can give yourself 1 point. For each appointment you set, you can give yourself 2 points. For every presentation that you give that is 3 points. And for each customer or distributor you enroll you can give yourself 4 points. Week of: # ptsACTIVITES MONTUEWEDTHURFRISATSUN # compTotal pts# compTotal pts# compTotal pts# compTotal pts# compTotal pts# compTotal pts# compTotal pts 1New Prospects added to list 2Appointments set 3Presentations given 4Customers/Distributors enrolled TOTAL POINTS
The 4 Phases So how do we stay in building mode? Building Mode Management Mode Blame mode Phase out mode
What I do. Every day I need to put myself into situations where I am meeting new people I focus on my why I redo my goals every 90 days I have in head my heart and my soul my D.M.P. I continuously say to myself am I in green time
My Definite Main Purpose Statement I __________________________________________, am so happy and grateful, now that I am receiving $_________________________ per month in residual income from my Global NuSkin Enterprises business. I easily and effortlessly accomplish my 3/3’s. 3 new contacts per day, 3- 3 way presentations per day and 3 new customers each week. I experience joy each day knowing that what I am doing is being of service to others like myself. I am a _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. As a result of my genuine effort I am now experiencing_________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Thank you for it is DONE!!! Signed:___________________________________________ Date:________________
Yearly….. I am a leader. I attract entrepreneurs to my business Who is worthy of my time 80/20 Rule Coachablity Clean out the closet New blood is new excitement…… If I aren't doing what I teach I cannot teach what I do.
I know the more I give to this business the more I will get back.