Equally moved and not really sick from viewing 2D and 3D motion stimuli on a TV screen Astrid J.A. Lubeck 1 Jelte E.Bos 1,2, John F. Stins 1 1 Research Institute MOVE, VU University Amsterdam, Nederland. 2 TNO Perceptual and Cognitive Systems, Soesterberg, Nederland.
2 Introduction
3 Possible adverse effects of a visual-vestibular conflict 1 : Visually induced motion sickness (VIMS) Increased postural sway Concern that stereoscopic 3D cues exacerbate these adverse effects 3D stimuli are perceived more natural than 2D stimuli 2
4 Introduction 2D versus 3D 3,4 VIMS: 3D > 2D No study on postural sway Studies on VIMS and postural sway 2D: several studies Most studies e.g. 6 : VIMS ↑ and postural sway ↑ 3D: only one study 5 VIMS ↑ and postural sway ↑ No 2D condition But... No study that investigated both VIMS and postural sway in the comparison of viewing 2D stimuli with viewing 3D stimuli
5 Introduction Aim: Investigate VIMS symptoms and postural sway in one group of participants, who are exposed to the same motion stimulus shown in 2D and 3D on a commonly available TV-screen Hypotheses: VIMS ↑ and postural sway↑ due to viewing 2D and 3D motion stimuli But… 3D > 2D
6 Methods 16 participants 5 males and 11 females mean age of 21.5 (SD = 1.32) years Two conditions: 2D and 3D 4 measurement moments: pre – per 1 – per 2 – post SymptomScore General discomfort Fatigue Headache Eyestrain Difficulty focusing Increased salivation Sweating Nausea Difficulty concentrating Fullness of head Blurred vision Dizzy (eyes open) Dizzy (eyes closed) Vertigo Stomach awareness Burping Scores 0: Not 1: Slight 2: Moderate 3: Severe Outcome Total score and 3 subscales: Nausea Oculomotor Disorientation
8 Results
10 Discussion Summary 2D and 3D: VIMS ↑ and postural sway↑ But… No difference between 2D and 3D Increase in VIMS was relatively small Why? Geometrical distortions when shown on smaller screen Field of view difference 6 Quarantining 7 Central nervous system puts visual input aside Mismatch between cues becomes really obvious
11 Discussion Symptom Severity Score No problems0 Uneasiness (no typical symptoms)1 Dizziness, warmth, headache, stomach awareness, sweating, and other symptoms Vague Slight Fairly Severe Nausea Retching Slight Fairly Severe Vomiting10 Misery Scale (MISC) The same stimulus caused a significant amount of VIMS symptoms when viewed at the cinema... Adapted from 5
12 Discussion Postural sway obtained with eyes closed is affected by watching visual stimuli per se In all conditions an increase Postural sway serves an exploratory purpose 9 More sensory information Exploration of new virtual environment Adapted from 8
13 Conclusion We are equally moved and do not really get sick from viewing 2D and 3D motion stimuli on a TV screen that were designed for the cinema
14 References 1. Bos JE, Bles W, Groen EL. A theory on visually induced motion sickness. Displays. 2008;29(2):47– Pölönen M, Salmimaa M, Aaltonen V, Häkkinen J, Takatalo J. Subjective measures of presence and discomfort in viewers of color-separation-based stereoscopic cinema. J Soc Inf Disp. 2009;17(5):459– Solimini AG. Are there side effects to watching 3D movies? A prospective crossover observational study on visually induced motion sickness. PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e Watanabe H, Ujike H. Psychological and physiological effects of stereoscopic movies of real- world scenes containing improper three-dimensional settings. 2013;5(7):1099– Bos JE, Ledegang WD, Lubeck AJA, Stins JF. Cinerama sickness and postural instability. Ergonomics. 2013;56(9):1430– Van Emmerik ML, de Vries SC, Bos JE. Internal and external fields of view affect cybersickness. Displays. 2011;32(4):169– Golding JF, Arun S, Wortley E, Wotton-Hamrioui K, Cousins S, Gresty MA. Off-vertical axis rotation of the visual field and nauseogenicity. Aviat Sp Environ Med. 2009;80(6):516– Lubeck AJA, Bos JE, Stins JF. Motion in images is essential to cause motion sickness symptoms, but not to increase postural sway. Displays. 2015;38:55– Van Emmerik RE, Van Wegen, EEH. On the functional aspects of variability in postural control. Exerc. Sport Sci. Rev. 30; 2002; 177–183.