How many of you did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?
I did. My family did. And our teacher did.
They made a lot of money. Guess how much.
What if our class started our own project so that we can raise money for any charity? And help our parents.
Chores for Charity
How Does It Work?
Step One - What chores can you do that you wouldn't usually do?
Step Two- Show this idea to your parents and ask what chores you can do.
Step Three- Collect the money that we earned that month
Step Four- Decide as a class which charity to give the money to that month
Charities To Be Considered Heifer International Ronald McDonald House ASPCA Michelle’s Place World Wildlife Fund...and many more
After a while, we can challenge other classes, the school, and maybe even be in the newspaper.
Thanks For Making A Difference!!!
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