Proyecto del Medioambiente ESPAÑOL 3 PROFE FRANTZ 2015
Consideren los problemas que tenemos con el medioambiente… El calentamiento global la contaminación la deforestación del aire
¿Hay soluciones?
El Proyecto: Look over your vocabulary list for our Naturaleza unit. Choose an environmental problem that you think is very important. What is this problem? What causes it? Why is it important? If you had only 10 sentences to explain the problem, what would they be?
El Proyecto: Now, consider the vocabulary list. How can you write these same ideas in Spanish, incorporating either a vocabulary word or a subjunctive phrase into each sentence? If you had only 10 sentences to explain the problem, what would they be?
The task: 1. The Prezi Once you have defined your problem in Spanish, you will need to create an Anuncio Público (Public Service Announcement) for your cause. Use Prezi to create a visual. An example is here: kocvt6f/spanish-environment-project/ kocvt6f/spanish-environment-project/ Your Prezi should include ALL of these: 1. A detailed description of the problem 2. The causes of the problem 3. Solutions to the problem, using the subjunctive, introduced with clauses from our vocabulary, like these: Es importante que…., Es necesario que…., Dudo que… etc.
2. The poster You will also need to create a poster, which we will use for Earth Day in the spring. The poster should be a message for the public – giving them advice. (Use the subjunctive!)
3. La presentación Sobresaliente 5 Bien hecho 4 Necesitas Practicar Más 0-3 Poster Poster represents outstanding effort for the time given. Visual is colorful colorful, creative, and free of errors. Poster represents sufficient effort for the time given. Care was taken to make it colorful, appealing, and has fewer than 2 errors. Poster lacks sufficient effort for the time given. Text contains more than 2 errors. Prezi Prezi represents outstanding effort for the time given. Includes colorful photos and vocabulary or subjunctive in each segment, with almost no (0-1) errors. Prezi represents sufficient effort for the time given. Includes colorful photos and vocabulary or subjunctive in each segment, with minimal (1-3) errors. Prezi does not reflect sufficient effort for the time given. Lacking photos or vocabulary or subjunctive in each segment, and/or text has more than 3 errors. Vocabulary (10 sentences) Outstanding use of vocabulary (10 sentences/ 10 words) Sufficient use of vocabulary (8-9 words) Insufficient inclusion of the vocabulary from the unit Grammar – Prezi (Subjunctive) No errors with subjunctive1-2 errors with subjunctiveMore than 2 errors with subjunctive Pronunciation Outstanding Pronunciation (No significant pronunciation errors) Good pronunciation (A few errors interfered with comprehension) Pronunciation needs work, some words were incomprehensible