ICT in Mathematics October 2011 Workshop
2 Introduction NSSCF Why is this presentation important? Why were we asked to present? Personalised Learning Using ICT in Mathematics Benefits and issues Useful tools Demonstration Summary
3 Personalised learning – what is it? Learning what you want, when you want, where you want, how you want. “Anytime, anywhere but not all the time.” AALF, anywhere anytime learning foundation website has good information
4 TeacherfacilitateslearningStudentsconstruct their own knowledge knowledgeStudent’s need need are areconsideredStudentslearn how to learn Students own their learning Personalised Learning Aspects
5 Video 3:36 min Video 7:25 min Video 4:26 min Using ICT in Mathematics Teacher uses tablet and projects – one note Uni Students & teacher use tablet - 1:1 Physics teacher & students Explain benefits of Using tablet UsingTabletTechnology Usingeverydayaccessible software software
6 Benefits of using ICT in Mathematics
7 Are laptops going to engage the students because they are using a different medium?
8 Benefits of ICT in Mathematics Organisation … Viewing Homework task details online Viewing Homework task details online Viewing unit plan on line Viewing unit plan on line Setting personal electronic reminders for Setting personal electronic reminders for homework due date homework due date Access to the School’s Virtual learning environment Access to the School’s Virtual learning environment
9 Benefits of ICT in Mathematics Communication … Communicating instructional posts to the students, Communicating instructional posts to the students, step by step as the class progresses step by step as the class progresses Communication with parents on homework Communication with parents on homework requirements requirements Provision of feedback prior to homework due date, Provision of feedback prior to homework due date, so student can have the opportunity to correct so student can have the opportunity to correct mistakes or improve mistakes or improve
10 Benefits of ICT in Mathematics Lesson Pace … Access to the School’s Virtual learning environment Access to the School’s Virtual learning environment at student’s pace to at student’s pace to Repeat the virtual lesson Repeat the virtual lesson Review teacher’s notes or instructions Review teacher’s notes or instructions Collaborate with others Collaborate with others Step by step online instructional posts to ensure Step by step online instructional posts to ensure no one is falling behind. no one is falling behind.
11 Issues to consider for 1:1 No other applications, No other work policy No other applications, No other work policy Screen is put down to focus their attention Screen is put down to focus their attention Use batteries – to prevent tangled power cords Use batteries – to prevent tangled power cords Handle the equipment with care. Handle the equipment with care. Hover to police students’ screens Hover to police students’ screens Design different work /data sets so that students have harder Design different work /data sets so that students have harder time copying each other’s work time copying each other’s work Ask for progressive work to be sent to the teacher to ensure Ask for progressive work to be sent to the teacher to ensure student is doing their own work student is doing their own work
12 Useful tools Hardware: Tablets, Smart pens, Smart boards, Projectors, laptops Software: PC / MAC based Presentation software, Ms Office, One Note, My cutting edge Lab, Mathletics etc... Software: Network based - Web 2.0 apps like Wiki spaces, Prezi, Blogs etc.. Or , Maths websites
13 Demonstration Wikki
14 Demonstration
15 Demonstration
16 Demonstration
17 Demonstration
18 Demonstration
19 Demonstration
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21 Demonstration
22 Demonstration
23 Demonstration
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25 Demonstration
26 Summary What will you do? Is it enough to use software to present your lessons? Are you going to use computers for teaching or learning or entertaining students? Are computers going to engage the students?