My Leadership Identity and Theory
Strengths-Based Leadership InputSignificanceCommunicationLearnerDiscipline HarmonyInputAchieverLearnerSignificance 10/14 9/13
Common Strengths Input - “ It’s very likely that you read to stimulate your mind, to broaden your perspective, and to explore familiar as well as unfamiliar subjects.” - “ It’s very likely that you read to stimulate your mind, to broaden your perspective, and to explore familiar as well as unfamiliar subjects.”Learner - “ You are not inclined to look for the easy way out” - “ You are not inclined to look for the easy way out”Significance - “You repeatedly pressure people to excel rather than settle for mediocre results.” - “You repeatedly pressure people to excel rather than settle for mediocre results.”
Conference Growth Courage - “Fear is at the root of so many of the barriers that women face.” Sheryl Sandberg, (Lean In) - “Fear is at the root of so many of the barriers that women face.” Sheryl Sandberg, (Lean In)CollaborationTrust
Journal Entries “As a leader, one of my principles is to take the time to build community with your team members and/or the people you are working with.” “Raise the bar high so that the people around you can work for it. I believe a person will rise to the expectations you set for them.” “An important principle of leadership is to have a purpose, a vision” “Work ethic is a component of leadership that is important. My personal principle is to always be learning so you can always be growing and to give 210 degrees!”
Gears Leadership Model Purpose Personal Partnership
Why Gears? Different sized wheels with teeth that fit together Work together for one common purpose brain-function-with-gears-and jpg
clock.jpg ock-footage-car-engine-gears-and-belt-front-view.jpg
Purpos e Persona l Partnershi p Recognize strengths Build on strengths Work ethic Courageous Work towards a common purpose Be passionate Strive for excellence Motivate Build Community Recognize teammate’s strengths Trust and Collaborate