Seven Decades of Professor Karel Segeth
1947 Sixty-six years ago
Karel Segeth was born on May 10, 1943 in Prague His father taught biology and geography in secondary school His mother was a pediatrician While in elementary and secondary school Karel regularly took part in the Mathematical Olympiad
1959 Thinking about being a mathematician
1964 Master ceremony in Carolinum
In 1964, Karel finished his studies at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague Then he started to work as research assistant at the Mathematical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences In 1966 he spent three months in academic institutions in Novosibirsk, Moscow, and Kiev
1966 Thinking about Jitka
1966 Marriage with Jitka
In 1969 Karel received the academic title RNDr. from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University During the period 1969–1970 he worked at the University of Maryland in College Park, where he developed numerical software for Prof. Ivo Babuška In 1972 Karel defended his doctoral thesis: On universally optimal quadrature formulae involving derivatives of integrand at the Mathematical Institute of the Academy and got the scientific degree Candidate of Sciences (≈ PhD)
His advisor was Prof. Ivo Babuška
1969 Key West in USA
1970 Washington, D.C.
1975 In Horní Maxov with Jitka
1989 Karel at home
In 1996 Karel passed his habilitation at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University and received the title Doc. (≈ Associate Professor) He was the Director of the Mathematical Institute for two periods (1996–2000 and 2000–2004) In 2004 he became Full Professor in Applied Mathematics at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
March 14, 2002
2003 Sixties
Research Interests A posteriori error estimates Fast Fourier transform Finite element and finite volume method Conjugate gradient method Multigrid method Method of lines Numerical quadrature Numerical modeling of physical phenomena Numerical solution of large systems of algebraic equations, …
2006 Academy of Sciences
2006 Karel as laudator
Karel was advisor of ten diploma students and of four PhD students: M. Pospíšek P. Vaněk V. V. Vlček M. Zítka
Important References V. Bezvoda, K. Segeth: Mathematical Modelling in Electromagnetic Prospecting Methods, Charles Univ., Prague, 1982 P. Šolín, K. Segeth, I. Doležel: Higher-Order Finite Element Methods, Chapman & Hall/CRC, London, K. Segeth: A posteriori error estimates with the finite element method of lines for a nonlinear parabolic equation in one space dimension, Numer. Math. 83 (1999),
Karel publishes his results in an extensive spectrum of scientific journals Applications of Mathematics Biophysical Journal Computers & Geosciences Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal Internat. J. for Numer. Methods in Fluids Mathematics and Computers in Simulation Numerische Mathematik Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. Tectonophysics
Karel lectured numerical methods, FORTRAN, numer. software,... at Faculty of Math. and Physics Fac. of Sciences Fac. of Mech. Engrg. Univ. of West Bohemia Techn. Univ. at Liberec
Karel is married with Dr. Jitka Segethová, a granddaughter of mathematician Prof. Josef Holubář. She taught mostly numerical mehods at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University. Karel and Jitka have two daughters Jitka and Jana, and two grandchildren. We wish Prof. Karel Segeth and his family enduring happiness and good health.
Seven Decades of Professor Karel Segeth