Chapter 18: Enlightenment & Revolution Before: Skim and Scan Section 1 and write a 30 word prediction.
The Age of Exploration Europe gets ready to Explore A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Exploring the World A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. The Commercial Revolution A. B. C. D. E. F. A Global Exchange A. B. C. D. E.
The Age of Exploration Trade with Asia New Technology The Rise of Strong Nations Did Maps Encourage Exploration?
Europe Gets Ready to Explore Trade with Asia Mongol Empire collapsed. New taxes on Silk Road. Asian goods more expensive. Ottoman Turks conquered the Byzantine Empire blocking Italian Merchants from the Black Sea. New Technology Astrolabe & Compass Used triangular sails developed by the Arabs. Built ships with many masts and smaller sails. New rudders for steering. Caravel – Portuguese ship. The Rise of Strong Nations Towns & trade made government stronger. Taxes were used to build armies & navies. Portugal, France, Spain, & England – 4 strongest kingdoms. They had harbors on the Atlantic & were anxious to find a sea route to Asia. Did Maps Encourage Exploration? Claudius Ptolemy – Greek educated Egyptian scholar. Created drew maps of the world. His system of longitude & latitude is still used today. Al-Idrisi – created maps of the world as Muslims knew it. Could find a sea rout to Asia by going around Africa.
Exploring the World While the Portuguese explored Africa, the Spanish, English, and French explored America. Exploring the World Who was Henry the Navigator? Christopher Columbus Who was Magellan? The 1 st English & French Explores Spain fights England Important European Explores
Exploring the World While the Portuguese explored Africa, the Spanish, English, and French explored America. Exploring the World Who was Henry the Navigator? - He was a Prince of Portugal that held a meeting of sailors, cartographers, & ship builders. - Vasco de Gama – rounded the tip of Africa & found a sea route to Asia. Christopher Columbus - Italian navigator that sailed for Spain. - 3 Ships: Santa Maria, Nina, Pinta. - Credited with discovering the Americas in Who was Magellan? - Sailed along South America and through a small passage that would later bear his name. - Named the Pacific Ocean. - 1 st to sail around the World. The 1 st English & French Explores - John Cabot – sailed west and est. Newfoundland. Traveled south along the coast of Canada & disappeared. - Verrazano & Jacques Cartier – mapped from North Carolina to Newfoundland. Spain fights England Spain and the English were at odd over religion. The English helped lead a Protestant revolt against Spain. Spain sent its Armada to the English Channel. England becomes a Super Power. Important European Explores Columbus – 1 st European to sail west. de Gama – 1 st to sail around Africa. Magellan – 1 st to sail around the world. Cartier –explored St. Lawrence River. Hudson – explored the Hudson River.
The Commercial Revolution To increase trade, Europeans set up colonies and created joint-stock companies. The Commercial Revolution What is Mercantilism? Trade Empires in Asia What are Joint-Stock companies? What is the Cottage Industry?
The Commercial Revolution To increase trade, Europeans set up colonies and created joint-stock companies. The Commercial Revolution What is Mercantilism? - The idea that a country gains power by building up its supply of Gold & Silver. - Export (sell to other countries) - Import (buy from countries) - Colony is a settlement of people living in a new territory. Trade Empires in Asia - Mercantilism encouraged Europeans to set up trading post & colonies in Asia & N. America. - Spain had a colony in the Philippines s – English & French landed in India & began trading The Dutch built a fort in Java (Indonesia) - Portuguese pushed out of spice trade. What are Joint-Stock companies? - Commerce – the buying & selling of goods in large amounts over long distances. - Joint-Stocks are a business that people can invest in by buying a share of the company. These shares are called stocks. What is the Cottage Industry? - The cottage Industry was peasants working in their homes making wool cloth for the merchants. - Merchants would buy wool and “put it out” to the peasants.
A Global Exchange The Columbian Exchange refers to the global exchange of people, technology, ideas, & even diseases that occurred between Europe & America during the Age of Exploration. Millions of slaves were sent to the Americas. Europeans began using weapons & the Shogun reunited. Many Native Americans were killed by disease.