Started using security software on new Dell computers in mid-2004 Currently purchase 3 year licenses for desktop, laptop, and netbook computers Points of contact are: Det. Cliff Martinez, SAISD - Police department ( ) Sylvia Orta, SAISD – Technology ( )
Absolute’s Computrace Intended to deter thefts, increase recovery possibilities and provide valuable asset information San Antonio ISD (Dec 20, 2009 – Present) Total Reported Lost or Stolen: 178 Total Recovered: 36 Total Systems Paid: 84 Amount Paid: $56, Active in Recovery Period: 58
How Computrace works…. A pre-determined, unique, check-in date and time is encoded in each computer Every 24-hours, the computer will try to call-in to Absolute’s web site Requires power and a connection to the network/ Internet Preferably using a network patch cable If it is successful, the computer’s information will be updated If it is not successful, the computer will keep trying every 24 hours. This is where we need your help!
How Computrace works…. Technology periodically s Principals with a list of computers that have not checked-in, in over 90 days. After every attempt is made to find the computer and it can not be found, take the next step – Report the computer as “stolen”. A theft report can be canceled if the computer is later found.
Report the theft Contact SAISD’s Police department, within 90 days, and provide: The computer’s SAISD asset tag number, serial number, make, model, date, time, event details, status of the power cord, and type of data (e.g. sensitive data) If the theft occurs outside of SAISD’s property – provide the location name and address You will receive a Police case number. Technology asks that the computer is “tracked” for a possible recovery. If the computer is on campus, the theft report is canceled.
Absolute’s reimbursement Absolute provides another service. If a stolen computer successfully checks-in every 30 days and is not recovered in 60 days, the computer may qualify for a pro-rated reimbursement. A pro-rated reimbursement is based on: the age of the computer the base cost of the computer, excluding the cost of SAISD required services and software. The campus will be notified when a payment is received.
Absolute’s inventory data Collects call-in information, including the ESN, Last- call date/time, Username, Operating system, Agent version, Serial number, Asset number, Make, Model, Agent status Collects IP address, all hardware/software information IP address is specific to the campus and areas on campus
Tips! Do not leave a laptop unattended If you travel with a laptop, lock it in the trunk At the end of the day, lock a laptop in a secured closet or drawer. Lock your classroom or office. Notify your campus or office when a computer is removed from SAISD’s property. Thank you for all you do!