Mrs. Whitaker’s 5 th Grade Class Disclosure
Class Rules 1.Follow directions quickly. 2. Raise your hand for permission to speak. 3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. 4. Respect yourself, respect others, respect your school. 5. Make smart choices.
Discipline Blue Star tickets Friday drawings for prizes Principal’s 200 club Note home Phone call home
Weekly Homework Packets Weekly Homework Packets Will start Monday, Sep 8 Packets go home on Monday (or first day of the week) and come back on Friday Will include spelling words, vocabulary practice, fluency story practice, math page(s) and grammar/language page(s) Some assignments require a parent signature
Student Planners Students write in them every day Planners go home every day for parent review MUST come back the next day signed for a blue star ticket Include a calendar of class events, projects, assignments due, etc.
School Supplies Backpack or bookbag Pencil pouch (no boxes) Colored pencils (12) Pencils (wood, Ticonderoga) Erasers Dry erase markers (fine point) 3 pocket folders Composition book Clipboard Pencil sharpener Highlighter
School Supplies to leave at home Binders Rulers Scissors Glue Tape Pens Markers Anything that becomes a distraction
What I Need From You Important forms REQUIRED: Updated blue information card (so we can contact you) Yellow emergency card (so I can contact you if there is an emergency) Computer Acceptable Use (can be done online – your child will not be allowed to use school computers without this form) Keep your phone numbers updated Help your child get to school on time Please be aware of what your child is bringing to school - no toys, electronics*, etc. Help your child get a good homework and reading habit
What I Need From You Donations: tissues, baby wipes, Ziploc bags, science supplies Volunteering: Spelling tests on Fridays, Times tables drill, field trips and parties, Come to parent/teacher conferences (November , January ) Sign student planner every day and RETURN
*Electronics Policy Cell phones and other electronics are NOT ALLOWED in class If your child needs to have a cell phone at school, it must be TURNED OFF during school hours and used only before and after school (not during recess or lunch) Due to the risk of theft (yes, it has happened), I strongly recommend that if your student needs to have a cell phone at school, that they bring it to me in the morning and I will lock it up for them and return it at the end of the day.