Appealing a Case to the Supreme Court the Supreme Court An Appeal Case A writ of certiorari is submitted is submitted The Case is Dismissed Case Rejected Case is accepted for consideration Continued on next slide
Appealing a Case to the Supreme Court the Supreme Court Case is accepted for consideration Case rejected for trial for trial Fewer than 4 justices justices accept the case 4 or more 4 or more justices accept the case the case Continued on next slide
Appealing a Case to the Supreme Court the Supreme Court 4 or more 4 or more justices accept the case the case The Case is returned to a lower court for a new decision The case is announced with a per curiam decision The case goes for full consideration by the Court
Steps in deciding a Major Supreme Court Cases Court Cases Submitting Briefs Oral Arguments The Conference: justices discuss the case the case Continued on the next slide Amicus curiae briefs briefs 30 min. 30 min.respondent Each Lawyer submits submits 30 min. 30 min.petitioner
Steps in deciding a Major Supreme Court Cases Court Cases The Conference: justices discuss the case the case Vote taken A majority in Agreement decides the decides thecase Writing the opinion Continued on the next slide Tie- reverts. to lower courts
Steps in deciding a Major Supreme Court Cases Court Cases Writing the opinion: Kinds of opinions Kinds of opinions unanimousmajorityconcurringdissenting