Emergency Medical Services Initiative(EMSI)=Partnerships +Acceleration=Success El Paso Community College(EPCC) Emergency Medical Services Program with El Paso Fire Department and Del Sol Health Care Center 11/1/2015EPCC EMS1
Need for this partnership Critical shortage of El Paso Fire Department(EPFD) paramedics Accelerated Curriculum Existing Employees Clinical space at Del Sol 11/1/2015EPCC EMS2 EMSI Partnership of City and College
Innovative and accelerated academic program Offered five days a week, from 8-5 1200 hours of instruction 42 credit hours 7 month program 11/1/2015EPCC EMS3 Design of the EMSI
90% increase in students completing the paramedic program of the EPFD enrollees Success in meeting the second goal of the National Council of Instructional Administrators by increasing 50% the number of degrees, certificates in high quality program 11/1/2015EPCC EMS4 Outcomes of the EMSI Credit Program
Outcome MeasuresCombined EPFD Paramedic Cohorts Total EPCC Paramedic Program Overall attrition rate10%40% Graduation Rate- Intermediate 90%83.25% Graduation Rate- Paramedic Certificate 3%69.75% Graduation Rate-AAS3%69.75% Registry Results88.33%93% 11/1/2015EPCC EMS5 Table 1: Comparative Outcomes of the Emergency Medical Services Initiative
*13,706 Contact hours in ACLS, PALS, PHTLS,CPR for 800 EPFD Employees CE Continuing Education EMSI 11/1/2015EPCC EMS6
EMSI Comparative results of EPFD Vs. Regular students enrolled at EMS EPFD ClassSp Sp Sp Total Enrollment 21(100%) 63(100%) Retention 19(90%)21(100%)20(95%)60(95.2%) Certificates 19(90%)20(100%)20(95%)60(95.2%) Regular students ClassSpr20 11 Sp 2012 Sp 2013 Total Enrollment 11(100%) 9(100%)31(100%) Retention 10(90$)8(72%)3(33%)21(67%) Basic certificates 10(90%)8(72%)3(33%)21(67%) 11/1/2015EPCC EMS7
EMSP-Paramedic Certificate Program Costs Tuition and feesBooks and supplies Total program cost Regular student$3157$ $4, EPFD student$0$ Savings to City$3157$0$ /1/2015EPCC EMS8 Summary of Paramedic Program Costs
* State waiver on tuition and fees results in $0 tuition and fees(House Bills 2013 &2347) + Books and supplies paid by EPFD, not student Costs are based upon data Reported on the Gainful Employment Report 11/1/2015EPCC EMS9 EPFD Paramedic Costs:
Class1 st cohort 2 nd cohort 3 rd cohort 4 th cohort Total outcomes Credit hrs by every graduate Total credit hrs per cohort Total contact hrs per cohort 22,80025,20024,00037,200109,200 State Reimbursement at$3.24/hr per each student of each cohort 73,87281,64877,760120,528353,808 EPCC EMSI Revenues Vs. No- Tuition 11/1/2015EPCC EMS10
College EMSP (Academic Training) EPFD (Employer-Students-Clinical Affiliate) Del Sol Medical Center(Clinical Affiliate) 11/1/2015EPCC EMS11 Partnership with EPFD and Del Sol
Each EPFD employee, upon their completion of the Paramedic program, will receive : $300 stipend A Promotion A 5% Increase Continuing Education Courses to maintain licensure and skills 11/1/2015EPCC EMS12 Advantages of EMSI
Effective and Innovative Partnership 90% Increase in students completion in the EMSI Enhancement of academic credentials/salaries of completers Increase of healthcare providers in a medically- underserved region Improved licensure results Cost-effective and accelerated Summary of the EMSI 11/1/2015EPCC EMS13
Contact Information: Paula Mitchell, Ed.D, Dean of Health Career and Technical Education. (915)831- Tony Ayub,BA, EMSP Coordinator, (915) Souraya Hajjar, MPH, Health Grants and Research Mgr (915) EMSI 11/1/2015EPCC EMS14