Warm-Up Write a 5 sentence story that follows proper plot structure. Sentence 1: Exposition Sentence 2: Rising Action Sentence 3: Climax Sentence 4: Falling.


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Presentation transcript:

Warm-Up Write a 5 sentence story that follows proper plot structure. Sentence 1: Exposition Sentence 2: Rising Action Sentence 3: Climax Sentence 4: Falling Action Sentence 5: Resolution Example: Suzy loves 7-Up. She was always afraid to try a new soda. One day, she found the courage to try Sprite. She decided that she loves both equally. From now on, she tries new sodas.

Please distribute textbooks. We will need them during our notes.

Focused Learning Targets I can identify types of conflict in a story. I can list the different types of characters found in literature. I can define the different forms of point of view.

Elements of a Short Story A short story is a work of fiction that can be read in one sitting.

Plot The chain of related events that take place in a story. Built around conflict, which is a struggle between opposing forces.

Plot at a Glance climax falling action rising action resolution exposition

The plot of a short story centers around conflict. Conflict is a struggle between opposing forces. These complications build the reader’s excitement. Plot and Conflict

Your turn Tell your group about the conflict of the story you wrote during your warm-up. You have 30 seconds!

External Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Obstacle or Society Internal Man vs. Himself Types of Conflict

Your turn! Now decide: Is your conflict INTERNAL or EXTERNAL? Explain your answer and reasoning to your group.

Character The characters in a story are the personalities who participate in the action.

Methods of Characterization Creating Believable Characters Indirect physical appearance speech, thoughts, feelings, or actions of the character speech, thoughts, feelings, or actions of other characters Direct the narrator’s direct comments about a character

Protagonist or Antagonist Round or Flat Dynamic or Static Types of Characters

Your turn Look in the Literary Handbook inside your textbook (it begins on page R15). Find the definitions for each type of character. Protagonist Antagonist Round Flat Static Dynamic

Puts the reader in the story by giving the reader the feeling of being in the situation. creates atmosphere by the positive or negative feelings associated with the place. Setting=Time and Place

(Who’s telling this story anyway?) the vantage point from which the story is told. determines how much we, the readers, know about the characters. Point of View

Narrator is a character in the story. Narrator uses first-person pronouns, I, me, my, we, us, our to refer to himself or herself. Narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of one character and speaks directly to reader. 1 st Person

Your turn! Write a sentence using the 1 st person point of view! Share it with your group.

Narrator does not participate in action of story. Narrator does not refer to himself or herself. Narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of ONE character, but readers are able to maintain some emotional distance from the character. 3 rd Person Limited

Your turn! Write a sentence using the 3 rd person limited point of view! Share it with your group.

Narrator does not participate in action of story. Narrator does not refer to himself or herself. Narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of ALL characters; readers get insight into several characters. 3 rd Person Omniscient

Your turn! Write a sentence using the 3 rd person omniscient point of view! Share it with your group.

What is a symbol?

A symbol is a person, a place, an activity, or an object that stands for something beyond itself. Symbol

The theme of a short story is its central message or insight into life. A stated theme is expressed directly by the author. An implied theme is suggested indirectly through the experiences of the characters or through the events and the setting of the work. Theme

Themes can be revealed by a story’s title key phrases and statements about big ideas the ways the characters change and the lessons they learn about life. Theme

Focused Learning Targets I can identify types of conflict in a story. I can list the different types of characters found in literature. I can define the different forms of point of view.