Public Speaking Objective: Describe the major types of speeches and the variables to be considered when presenting speeches
Is this you? z Most people (~75% ) dread speaking in front of someone! z However, with a little preparation, YOU can overcome this fear!
Glossophobia zThe fear of public speaking, is remarkably common. yIf your fear is significant enough to cause problems in work, school or social settings, then it is possible that you suffer from a full blown phobia.
Communicating with others zA good leader is capable of communicating with others effectively. yGood leaders just don’t give orders yListening and audience analysis is important zOral Communication is one of the most important factors in being successful
Types of Speeches zInformative yGives knowledge or information to audience zPersuasive yConvinces people to believe or do something zIntegrative yPep talks, welcome speeches & introductions
Prepared Public Speaking CDE zContestants write and deliver a speech zThe speech is a minimum of six minutes in length and a maximum of eight minutes zSpeeches must be on a topic which is of an agricultural nature zAfter finishing the speech judges ask question regarding the speech topic
Extemporaneous Speaking zSpeech with little or no preparation zA speech that is delivered without being written word-for-word zOutline and some notes zMost public speaking is extemporaneous yAward speeches yLawyers in court yPress conferences
Audience Analysis zExamining the people you are talking to zWhat do they want to hear? yDo they want comedy? (Dinner Speech) yIs it a professional speech? yShould it be informative? zDetermining their likes and dislikes yYou don’t talk about drag racing at a state trooper conference
Audience Analysis zWhat is their level of expertise yHow much do people already know? zWhat will you need to keep the group interested yStories yExample or evidence yLength yTime of day or night
Audience Analysis zWhat is the occasion? yAre you “roasting” a retiree? yAre you persuading the county commissioners to build a no-kill shelter? zContent and Organization yHow do you decide WHAT to include? yHow do you WRITE a speech? yHow do you PRESENT a speech?
Building a Speech Introduction Body Conclusion
Introduction zCaptures attention zEnthusiasm and Emotion zIndicate the need for the speech zMakes the audience want to know more zShort stories and real life is a good start
Body zThe largest part of the speech zContains the information you want to tell zConsist of several major points surrounded by a central objective
Conclusion zRemind the audience of the objective or topic zRepeats major points covered zMove people to action zUse powerful well planed words
Entry Questions zWhat is a transition? zName a small animal organization. zWhat is the most important part of the delivery of a speech?
Transitional Statements zBegin your first point by saying “First of all lets consider…” zMove to a different point by saying y“Also, Next, Furthermore, The second step…” zProvide a Conclusion by starting with: y“To sum it all up…” y“In conclusion…” y“Finally…”
Keys to a Good Speech! zPreparation, practice and more practice zPractice in front of others zHave people provide feedback zWatch and listen to yourself yUse a mirror yVideo
Oral Delivery Variables zVoice yPitch, quality, speak clearly, pronunciation, force zStage Presence yAppearance, Poise, Attitude, Confidence, Ease before audience, Personality, Posture zPower of Expression yFluency, Sincerity, Emphasis, Directness, Communicative ability, Conveyance of thought and meaning.
Oral Delivery Variables zResponse to Questions y Accurate, Ability to Think Clearly zGeneral Effect y Interesting, Understandable, Convincing, Pleasing, Holds attention
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