Dyslexia Awareness Week 2014 Leicestershire Psychology Service
Did you know all these famous people struggled to learn to read & write?
Here’s a quiz! True or False? 1. People with dyslexia cant read or write. 2. If you have dyslexia it means you are stupid. 3. No-one in this school has dyslexia. 4. Jamie Oliver, the famous cook, has Dyslexia. 5. Albert Einstein, the genius mathematician, had difficulties with reading and written work when younger.
What does it feel like to struggle to learn? Has anyone here ever found it difficult to learn something? Yes / No? (hands up) Has anyone here ever helped a friend learn? Yes / No? (hands up) What can a boy or girl in this school do to help someone who is struggling a little bit?
Being a dyslexic learner means… I learn ‘differently’ Trying extra hard every single day is tiring Learning is a challenge & meeting the challenge can be great!
The good things dyslexia gives me “I come up with lots of new ideas!” “I’m good at solving problems – an excellent trouble shooter” “I love music, art and drama” “I’m good at explaining my ideas in Science” “I love finding out about new things”.
A Millionaire businessman “You’re hired!” Sir Alan Sugar has dyslexia.
Picasso is a brilliant artist. He also had dyslexia.
An actor Keira Knightley is a famous actor. She also struggled in school to learn to read and write
People with dyslexia in this school can achieve dreams their dreams - with hard work - with help from good teachers & their families at home.
What helps children learn? Good friends & teachers who know how to help people with dyslexia Being taught in a good school... and by working hard Dyslexia Awareness Week 2014 Anne Matthews, Senior EP