Quarterly Progress Report NLR, India DHANBAD, 7-8 July 2010 Presented by Dr P. Chandra LPA - Bareilly
S. N. ActivitiesJanFebMarAprilMayJunJul 1ASHA training Planned 1 st quarter 2ANM,s training Planned in 2 nd quarter fixed 3ScGPlanned in 3 rd quarter
Activity Completion Report st & 2 nd Quarter Result Based Activities Allocated budget for quarter Batches Planned Batches doneTotal expenditure Result -1 ASHA’s training - case finding and referral services improved Rs1,12, Result-2 ANM,s Training case finding and referral services improved To be doneRs 23,000.00
Activities not performed ANM’s Training To be done in 14 batches Fixed w.e.f Expected expenditure Rs SCG in Blocks To be doneIn 3 rd quarter To be worked out
Comments Difficulties faced- Administrative Expectations from Dist/State/NLR- letter issued from authorities in time.