11 INDEPTH Fertility Monograph INDEPTH AGM; Pune, India; October 26-30, 2009 Date of conception: February 2008 Lead Editor: Fotso JC (Nairobi) Co-Editors: Muhwava W (Africa Centre), Razzaque A (Matlab) & Odimegwu C (Agincourt) Others: Bawah A (INDEPTH Secretariat), Ochako R (Nairobi), INDEPTH Fertility Group Reviewers: Prof John C (LSHTM), Dr Cheikh M (Board), Dr Tom M (UCT), Dr Abass B ( Chakaria ), Prof Rosalia S ( SAC & Kanchanaburi )
2 Outline Progress since October 2008 Reviewers comments on preliminary drafts Nairobi and Accra meetings Participating HDSS sites Monograph structure Preliminary findings Characterizing fertility levels across sites Differences in fertility trends Fertility-Mortality association Way Forward Data quality check & review of revised chapters Draft of general chapters and merging of sites chapters within countries
3 Progress since October 2008 Reviewers comments Between February and March 2009 Use of similar methods to compute TFR Need to improve the quality of the writing Editors’ meeting in Nairobi (April 2009) Three levels of participation offered to sites From “Compilation of sites chapters” to “Global picture illustrated by selected sites chapters” Review and feed back to sites Editors’ meeting in Accra (July 2009) Roles and responsibilities of Editors drafted Authorship issues Content of the Monograph finalized Review and feed back to sites
NoRegionCountryHDSS site Participation Level I & IIIII a III b 1 South- Central Asia (5) [William & Razzaque] Bangladesh (4) Abh & MirsX 2ChakariaX 3MatlabX 4 India (2) BallabgarhX 5VaduX 6 South-East Asia (3) [William & Razzaque] Vietnam (2) ChililabX 7FilabaviX 8Thailand (1)KanchanaburiX Progress: Participating HDSS sites
NoRegionCountryHDSS site Participation Level I & IIIII a III b 9 Eastern Africa (8) [Jean C & Rhoune] Kenya (3) NairobiX 10 Kilifi X 11KisumuX 12 Tanzania (3) IfakaraX 13MaguX 14RufijiX 15 Uganda (2) Iganga/MayugeX 16RakkhaiX Progress: Participating HDSS sites
NoRegionCountryHDSS site Participation Level I & IIIII a III b 17 Western Africa (5) [Ayaga] Ghana (3) DodowaX 18 Kinampo X 19NavrongoX 20 Burkina Faso (2) NounaX 21SaponeX 22 Southern Africa (4) [Clifford] South Africa (3) Africa CentreX 23AgincourtX? 24DikgaleX 25Mozambique (1)MahnicaX Progress: Participating HDSS sites
Progress: Monograph Structure Part I: Fertility in HDSS: Data and Methods Part II: Characterising the fertility transition in Africa and Asia: Evidence from HDSS data (IUSSP, 2009) Part III: Site specific chapters (8-10 chapters) Introduction Methodology Results Fertility Levels and Trends Fertility Differentials by Education and Location Proximate Determinants of Fertility Discussion and conclusion Part IV: Lessons learned & recommendations for further research
Preliminary findings: Fertility Levels
Preliminary findings: Asia Trends
Preliminary findings: Africa Trends
Preliminary findings: Mortality-Fertility
Preliminary findings: Limitations & Challenges Common denominator across sites Missing key aspects of fertility (e.g. Contraception), data collection not designed for the Monograph Monograph not designed to answer all possible fertility-related questions It is just a start with focus on levels and trends Broadened discussion section in sites’ chapters Time constraints and priorities in HDSS sites and among co-Editors In some cases: Capacity in data management Hope: Initiative to arouse interest in fertility and RH analyses in HDSS sites
13 Way Forward By January 2010 Data quality check Revision of sites chapters Selection of sites chapters to be published Internal review By end of February 2010 Draft of general chapters Merging of sites chapters within countries Internal review Between April & June 2010 Submission of the Book to the Reviewers Revisions Submission to the Publisher
14 Acknowledgements HDSS Sites’ Leaders and Staff, they are co-authors on the pooled chapter of the Monograph INDEPTH Secretariat Thank You