Dec. 9, 2013
F.O.A. (Bellwork) When the economy has a downturn a country is experiencing a(n) __________. Tariffsb. Recessionc. Inflation d. Depression A drastic decline in a country’s economy when businesses fail and unemployment is high is __________. Tariffsb. Recessionc. Inflation d. Depression
Essential Questions How do you interpret economic issues using maps, tables, diagrams, and charts?(7.2.4) What are the basic economic concepts?(7.2.1)
Today Go over skill check Whiteboard Make notecards Announce project
Announcement Tomorrow we’ll have a quiz over economic stuff that you saw on the skill check. I’ll take the highest grade from the skill check and quiz.
Name an example of a primary industry A) Sell the manufactured good B Provide the raw material or natural resource C) Have specialized skills and research about the manufactured product D) Manufacture the raw material or natural resource
Name an example of a secondary resource A) Sell the manufactured good B) Provide the raw material or natural resource C) Have specialized skills and research about the manufactured product D) Manufacture the raw material or natural resource
Name an example of a quaternary industry A) Sell the manufactured good B) Provide the raw material or natural resource C) Have specialized skills and research about the manufactured product D) Manufacture the raw material or natural resource
Fees or taxes charged when goods enter a country are called A) Tariffs B) Recession C) Inflation D) Depression
When the economy has a downturn a country is experiencing a(n) A) Tariffs B) Recession C) Inflation D) Depression
A drastic decline in a countries economy when businesses fail and unemployment is high is A) Tariffs B) Recession C) Inflation D) Depression
Government controls everything A) Democracy B) Communism C) Monarchy
People vote in elections A) Democracy B) Communism C) Monarchy
Queen or King A) Democracy B) Communism C) Monarchy
Terms Tertiary industry Primary industry Secondary industry Quaternary industry Command economy Market economy Depression Recession
Directions Divide your paper into eight squares On the front, write the term and a picture that goes with it. On the back, write the definition and an example.