Danielle Naldoza January A
Akbar ruled from 1556 to 1605 2 nd Emperor for Mughal Empire economic progress and religious harmony The greatest Mughal expansion Married a Rajput Princess
Son of Akbar Continued to be in warfare Continued the work of Akbar Internal fights for power
Son of Janhangir Khurram was his birth name Killed other heirs for power result of great political intrigue
second longest ruling emperor after Akbar Against other religions than his strict follower of Surfism Found the arts distasteful After him, Mughal Empire weakened
Akbar built a strong empire Alliances Change in practices Expansion
Akbar changed India’s economy Taxes on certain people Alliances helped India’s economy
Mughals were Muslim Akbar was tolerant of Hindus Aurangzeb destroyed Hindu temples Taxes New Religion
Market segregations Religion Alliances with different ethnic backgrounds Emperors strived to reform society
Classics Period in India Some had no interest in music New distinct way for painting
/akbarthegreatbio.htm /akbarthegreatbio.htm Howard Spodek’s The World’s History