First Aid and Safety
Fire Safety Fire Prevention Devices Smoke detector Fire Extinguisher Fire Safety Action Most fatal home fires occur during the night Establish escape plans and practice them periodically Set a meeting place outside the home for everyone to meet at Call fire department from a neighbor’s house
Electric Shock Electrocution: death resulting from passage through the body of a high- voltage current Preventing Electric Shock Unplug immediately if something seems to be wrong Inspect cords for fraying or cracked insulation Do not place cords under a rug because they can be damaged by walking on them Disconnect appliance by pulling on the plug not the cord Never use appliances or power tools when clothing is wet or floor is wet
Natural Disasters Hurricane: powerful rainstorm characterized by driving winds. Preparation includes securing property and going to a shelter or evacuating the area as the National Weather Service instructs Tornado: powerful twisting windstorm Storm cellar or basement is the safest place to go, a hallway or bathtub away from windows will also work If outside lay in a ditch, face down and cover yourself as best you can with bulky clothing, a blanket, etc.
First Aid First Aid: the immediate, temporary care given to a person who has become sick or who has been injured Administered in the seconds and minutes following an accident UNTIL proper medical attention arrives on the scene Can be the difference between LIFE and DEATH
Priorities in and Emergency The first 5 minutes of an emergency are the most important It is important to remain calm and keep the following in mind CHECK the scene and the victim CALL or the local emergency number CARE for the victim
Types of Emergencies Open Wounds Abrasion: a scrape that damages the outer layers of skin, accompanied with little or no bleeding Laceration: a cut, can have smooth or jagged edges and are usually accompanied by bleeding, may also have nerve damage Puncture: wound caused by a pointed object piercing the skin Avulsion: results when tissue is separated partly or completely from a person’s body
First Aid for Open Wounds Stop the Bleeding- apply direct pressure to the top of the wound or to a pressure point (one of a number of points along the main artery supplying blood to an affected limb), helps to prevent blood loss without cutting off circulation Protect the Wound- clean cloth will help to protect wound from infection Treat for Shock- keep victim laying down, maintain normal body temperature, and get medical help ASAP Get Help- send someone for help, if alone leave the victim only AFTER you have performed first aid
Shock Shock: failure of the cardiovascular system to keep adequate blood circulating to the vital organs of the body Symptoms Confusion, accelerated or slowed pulse rate, trembling, weakness in arms/ legs, pale or clammy skin, bluish lips/ fingernails, and enlarged pupils
Severe Burns May be an inconvenience or a life- threatening condition First Degree: superficial burns, involve the top layer of skin, healing takes 5 to 6 days Sunburn Second Degree: involve the top several layers of skin, skin will have blisters and appear blotchy, healing takes 3 to 4 weeks Third Degree: most serious of burns, destroy all layers of skin as well as nerves, muscles, fat, and bones, looks black or brown
First Aid for Severe Burns Stop the burning Use water to cool the area, do not use ice Cover the burn with a clean, dry dressing to help prevent infection Bandage loosely and do NOT apply pressure to the burn DO NOT put any kind of ointment on a burn as it can seal in heat DO NOT break blisters Keep area clean- minor burns DO NOT remove clothing stuck to a burn Burn victims chill easily so protect victim from drafts- severe burns
First Aid for Swallowing Poisons Call the nearest Poison Control Center Nationwide network Toll free number FOUND IN PHONE BOOK Be prepared to give information about the victim, name of the suspected poison, amount of poison swallowed, and time it was swallowed Poison Control Center worker will give directions further- dilute poison, give an emetic, call 911, etc. EMETIC: an agent that induces vomiting, do not administer to someone who is unconscious
First Aid for Snakebites There are only 4 types of poisonous snakes found in the US Rattlesnake, copperhead, water moccasin/cottonmouth, and coral snake Venom: a poisonous substance secreted by a snake or other animal Wash the wound and immobilize the injured area Keep affected area lower than the heart if possible Call DO NOT apply ice, cut the wound, etc.
Contact Poisoning Plants Learn what they look like (ivy, oak, sumac) Skin rash at point of contact Later blistering, swelling, burning, itching, and possibly fever may develop Remove contaminated clothing, pour water over area, wash with soap and water, may require medical attention
First Aid for Choking in Adults If the victim is unable to breathe, cough, or speak, begin first aid immediately by administering abdominal thrusts ABDOMINAL THRUSTS (Heimlich Maneuver): application of sudden pressure on the victim’s diaphragm to expel the substance blocking the airway Check, Call if victim cannot speak, breathe, or cough (ABC Check) Stand behind victim, place thumb side of fist against middle of the victim’s abdomen Grasp fist with other hand and give quick, upward thrusts
Rescue Breathing for Adults Done if there ARE signs of circulation, but no breathing Check to see if the person is conscious Tap their shoulder and ask if they are alright Call if there is no response Care for the victim Tilt their head back Look, listen, and feel for breaths Give 1 breath every 5 seconds (cycle lasts about 1 minute) Recheck for signs of breathing and circulation about every minute
CPR: Life saving technique in which a heart that has stopped is forced to pump blood to the body by means of applied pressure Airway Open airway as for rescue breathing by doing a head tilt, chin lift Breathing Look for the rise and fall of the chest Administer rescue breaths if there are no signs of breathing Circulation Heart is located below the sternum Compressions on the sternum force blood out of the heart and into the blood vessels Finding the correct position is crucial when giving compressions
CPR for Adults Check, Call Care A,B,C check Give 30 chest compressions Give 2 rescue breaths Do 2 more cycles of 30:2 Recheck for signs of circulation and breathing for no more than 10 seconds KNOW that CPR will not usually revive a person, but can help to keep them alive until trained help arrives
More Common Injuries Nosebleeds Caused by nose being struck or dryness Keep person quiet and still Have person sit and lead forward Apply direct pressure by pressing on the bleeding nostril Apply a cold towel to the person’s nose and face Place a piece of gauze between the upper lip and teeth to stop bleeding