The Battle at Midway
Japanese Aggression After Pearl Harbor, the Japanese felt like they had a major victory After Pearl Harbor, the Japanese felt like they had a major victory With confidence, they continued their attack in the Pacific like in the Philippines, Hong Kong, and Singapore With confidence, they continued their attack in the Pacific like in the Philippines, Hong Kong, and Singapore
USA Revenge American Nationalism and Military Enrollment set record highs after Pearl Harbor American Nationalism and Military Enrollment set record highs after Pearl Harbor Wanting revenge on Japan, Lt. Doolittle led the USA by bombing a number Japanese cities, including Tokyo…sending a message Wanting revenge on Japan, Lt. Doolittle led the USA by bombing a number Japanese cities, including Tokyo…sending a message
Battle of Coral Sea The USA and Japan met at the Battle of Coral Sea The USA and Japan met at the Battle of Coral Sea The opposing ships did not fire one shot at one another…why? The opposing ships did not fire one shot at one another…why? The ships were aircraft carriers and the airplanes did the fighting The ships were aircraft carriers and the airplanes did the fighting For the first time in the Pacific War, the Japanese military machine suffered a defeat For the first time in the Pacific War, the Japanese military machine suffered a defeat
Battle at Midway Japan next targeted the island of Midway, west of Hawaii and home of a US airfield Japan next targeted the island of Midway, west of Hawaii and home of a US airfield From June the USA and Japan fought what is considered the most important battle of the Pacific From June the USA and Japan fought what is considered the most important battle of the Pacific Led by Japan’s Yamamoto and USA’s Doolittle Led by Japan’s Yamamoto and USA’s Doolittle The US was able to decode Japanese messages and knew of the Japanese attack plan The US was able to decode Japanese messages and knew of the Japanese attack plan
Results of Midway The USA launched a surprise counter attack on the Japanese and destroyed all 4 Japanese aircraft carrier ships The Battle of Midway set a major tone that the USA and its Allies were now on the OFFENSIVE for the first time!