POPULATION PYRAMIDS (Age-Sex Pyramids) A representation of the population based on its composition according to age and sex. Population groups that share a common demographic experience are called “cohorts.”
Population pyramids allow demographers to anticipate future patterns of population growth.
What information can you assume from this pyramid?
According to today’s pyramid of Mexico, what is likely to happen in the future? Before you answer, think of Rostow’s model.
Mexico today is in Stage 3 (take-off) which means the population should level off. Why?
South Africa is also in the “take-off” stage. How will this affect their population? Hint. What tragedy is occurring in Africa today?
The pyramid shows the affects of the AIDS epidemic occurring today in much of Africa.
Can you anticipate what the population pyramid of one of the world’s poorest countries will do in the future?
Examples of the “demographic transition model.”
Mammoni: “Mama’s Boy”
What does this pyramid tell you about the probable income level of Honolulu?
Laredo, Texas 94% Hispanic
A military base
Lawrence, Kansas Home of the University of Kansas
Naples, Florida Large retired population
Various pyramids from the USA. What can they tell you?
The Baby Boomers