New Words for Dictionaries 2014 and 2015 aha moment bucket list cloud computing earworm energy drink f-bomb game changer gassed gastropub man cave mash-up sexting underwater Americana boomerang child Bromance cougar Crowdsourcing fist bump helicopter parent m-commerce robocall social media tweet walk-off
Yellow journalismPhilippinesSan Juan HillJingoism De Lome letterCuba Libre!Chocolate éclair“splendid little war” U.S.S. Maine“the Butcher”Joseph PulitzerRudyard Kipling Rough RidersTreaty of ParisConcentration camps sugar
Frederick Jackson Turner: The Frontier in American History
Big shift in U.S. foreign policy –“an apart nation” –the “amateurish and awkward age” of diplomacy Dawning of “Age of Empire” Origins of the “Large Policy” Departure from self-determination and anti-colonial traditions
American Foreign Trade: Commercial/Business Interests Expand or explode Safety valve of labor violence
2. Military/Strategic Interests
3. Social Darwinist Thinking The White Man’s Burden The Hierarchy of Race
4. Religious/Missionary Interests American Missionaries in China, 1905 Josiah Strong’s Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis New souls to harvest
5. Closing the American Frontier
Rush of colonial conquest –Partitioning of Africa, 1880s –Penetrating China, 1890s –U.S. “must not fall out of the line” Henry Cabot Lodge –Leftovers for U.S. Alfred Thayer Mahan –Influence of Sea Power Upon History,
Berlin Conference, 1885
“Sun never sets …”
New International Interest James Blaine’s “Big Sister” policy –1889 Pan-American Conference –Series of inter-American assemblages Diplomatic crises / near wars –Samoan Islands –Chile –Canada –Mexico
“Well, I hardly know which to take first!”
Japan, Alaska, Hawaii America Becomes a World Power [1/3] – NM8 4:15 – 10:05https:// NM8
“Seward’s Icebox”: 1867
Hawaii “Crossroads of the Pacific”
U. S. View of Hawaiians commercial treaty in 1858 Pearl Harbor rights in 1887 commercial treaty in 1858 Pearl Harbor rights in 1887
Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani Hawaii for the Hawaiians! Hawaii for the Hawaiians!
U. S. Business Interests In Hawaii 1890 – McKinley Tariff 1890 – McKinley Tariff American businessmen backed an uprising against Queen Liliuokalani 1893 – American businessmen backed an uprising against Queen Liliuokalani Sanford Ballard Dole proclaims the Republic of Hawaii in 1894 Sanford Ballard Dole proclaims the Republic of Hawaii in 1894
Hawaiian Annexation Ceremony, 1898 “The Hawaiian pear is now fully ripe and this is the golden hour for the U.S. to pluck it”