Conroe High School Welcome Senior Tigers
How do you get to be a Senior? You must have earned 17 credits How do you earn a credit? Make higher than a 70 Have good attendance
What if I failed in the fall? You can average your 2 semesters You can go to after school CHOOSE now You can attend Summer School
Summer School Dates will be announced soon Classes available for: Repeat Credit (Most academic core courses) First Time Credit (Health, PE, Communication Appl, Technology, Fine Arts, Govt. and Eco.) Accelerated Summer School— Initial credit Spanish and math Information and Registration Forms available in the Counselor’s office Sign Up in April
Who should take AP courses? The most successful students are willing to work very hard. Students that have already taken pre-AP & AP. There are only 24 hours in a day. Evaluate how much time will be spent in other activities. Students that have not taken the pre-AP or AP course levels may take AP.
Advanced Placement Program It’s not just courses to prepare for an examination. It’s not just a course. It’s a process. Advanced Placement Program consists of college courses taught in high school. Students in AP classes will take examinations; those scores can lead to college credit. AP courses teach students to think, read, and write critically and analytically. AP courses earn additional grade points in the high school GPA. PreAP courses facilitate students’ preparation for the challenging AP academic courses.
Amount of Homework to Expect in High School Level classes 30-45 minutes per class per night AP Classes Approximately 60-90 minutes per class per night More reading, writing, and research-based assignments Greater degree of critical thinking skills Faster pace
Registering for pre-AP and AP Courses During course selection students turn in a commitment form and indicate it on their course selection sheet. We recommend that students take AP if they have been able to maintain grades above 80 in advanced classes or grades above a 90 in level courses.
Course Description Guide Front of book General Information Graduation Requirements Description of different levels Policies and procedures G.P.A./Class Rank System Description of all courses Appropriate Grade Level How many credits the course earns What prerequisites the course has Additional fees for certain courses (ie: cost of supplies and materials for ART I is $30.00) Front of book: Sequence of courses Description of different levels such as Dual Credit, Advanced Placement, PreAp, and Honors Various policies and procedures such as homebound services, early graduation, assignment to classes, waivers, and much more The Grade Point Average System and Honor Graduates are decided Description of Courses: Whether a class is taught as a 90 minute or 45 minute You can tell by the Grade listed where it is taught-TWHS-McC. TWHS. Or both Oftentimes, you can tell by how many credits a course will earn how many blocks a course will require in a schedule For Example, a course that earns 1 ½ credits will require 1 ½ blocks You can tell whether a course has prerequisites, in other words, does the student have to have a certain qualifiying criteria or does the student have to complete another class before taking this one? Finally, any fees the course may incur. Such as in some art classes
All students are required to earn a minimum of 24 credits to graduate. SUBJECT Credits English 4.0 Mathematics-Must Include: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra 2* (three credits in grades 9-12) 3.0 Science-Must Include: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, IPC 3.0 Social Studies (World Geography, World History, U.S. History, Gov./Eco.) 4.0 Foreign Language (Same language) 2.0 Health 0.5 P.E. (1/2 credit must be Foundations) or P.E. Substitute 1.5 Fine Arts 1.0 Communication Applications (Speech) 0.5 Technology 1.0 Electives 3.5 TOTAL CREDITS 24.0 Emphasize math. 3 credits in grades 9-12.
Conroe High School Registration Process During registration, students will receive the following: Course Description Guide Course Selection Sheet Hold up each piece.
Core Courses at Conroe High School English English IV English IV AP English IV DC Math Algebra II (have credit for Alg and Geom) Algebra II Pre-AP (have credit for Alg and Geom) College Algebra (have credit for Alg I & II, & Geom) Pre-Calculus (have credit for Alg I & II, & Geom) Math Models (have credit for Alg I & II, & Geom) Other math courses Science Physics Physics Pre-AP Other sciences Social Studies Gov’t & Eco Gov’t AP Eco AP
7 Period Class Day Typical Schedule English Math Social Studies Science 3 periods are left and may be filled with PE or PE substitute Fine Art Health/Communication Applications Technology Foreign Language Other electives Course that need to be repeated
The focus of course selection while at TWHS-McC should be to complete the majority of the required “extras”. There are many more elective offerings at the senior campus and it greatly benefits the student to have most of the requirements out of the way. Freshman students do need to take 1 credit of the required 1 ½ credits of PE. Students will either take regular PE or get approval for a class that counts as a PE substitute. If a student is approved for athletics or Band, those classes will take two blocks of the student’s schedule. For a student to get the coach’s approval to sign up for an athletic class, the student and parent must attend the Athletic Information Night to be held here at TWHS-MC on March 29 at 7:00. An athletic class will only earn ½ credit per block or 1 credit for the entire year. Students in Band will earn ½ credit in the fall which will waiver those students out of ½ credit of PE. In spring, the students will earn a full credit of Band. We strongly recommend the other blocks be completed with additional requirements. The vast majority of freshmen take their Health and Communications Applications class. Since both of these classes earn ½ credit, the two classes together will take 1 block of the student’s schedule.
Special Considerations- Band and Drill Team- fall semester earns PE credit, spring semester earns Fine Art credit ROTC- earns PE credit or elective credit Foreign Language- must be 2 yrs of same language, need to have passed Reading TAKS Athletics- requires a physical, will require time after school and weekends Once you earn credit in a class you can not take it again Like putting pieces of a puzzle together Explain the different pieces. One block typically earns 1 credit. However, there are exceptions that will be discussed later and can be found in the course description guide. Most students can earn a total of 8 credits per year. A student must have 6 credits to be classified as a sophomore
Special Considerations Dual Credit courses Must apply for admissions to Lone Star College online by February 5th Must sign up for ASSETT test in CCC by February 5th Will pay tuition in June If you do not meet the deadlines or testing criteria you will be moved to level classes
Special Considerations Early Release- you must sign up for it Office Aide- you must sign up for it Late Arrival- extremely rare, you must apply for it, and you must be in a 7th period class that is only offered 7th period TAKS- you have to pass your Junior level TAKS to get any of the above Depending on course availability, you may not get to be in early release
This week, all students will receive a copy of the course selection sheet. The course selection sheet you have tonight is a sample only. Students should turn in a green copy. At the top of the sheet is the demographic information. This is very important. Vital that we have phone numbers and email address where we can reach someone during the summer. The 8 blocks in the middle of the page represent the 8 blocks of the accelerated block schedule. The blocks are in no particular order. The placement of the blocks do not represent when a student will take a class. WE will do our best to ensure that a student only take 2 core classes during a term.
Pre-AP/AP/DC courses require the parent’s signature and the Commitment Statement Without parent signature and Commitment Statement students will go into level courses Final deadline to make changes is 5/15
Choosing alternates Emphasize the 3 part process Circle your choices for the additional 4 blocks of courses on the back. Complete the grid with course names and numbers. Be sure and list alternates at the bottom of the sheet. When alternates are not listed, the counselors will choose. If you do not choose an alternate the counselor may will pick for you and you will not be permitted to change.
Athletics Sign up for the sport that comes first If you are only going to play a sport for one semester, then be sure to sign up that way
Fine Arts – consult Course Description Book for prerequisites and fees Art 1, 2, 3, 4, AP Acappella Choir 3, Treble Choir 3, Chamber Choir 3 AP Music Theory Dance1, 2, 3, Boys Dance Crew (requires audition) Theatre Arts 1, 2, 3, 4, Technical Theatre 1,2,3,4 (requires Theatere 1), Directing Seminar & Theatre Production (after school & requires approval) Band- see sheet for correct course & number Orchestra- see sheet for correct course & number Listed next are the courses that will earn a student Fine Arts credit. Note that some course require a teacher’s approval and some do not.l One credit of Fine Arts is required for graduation.
Electives, Communication App, Health TECHNOLOGY: (See Course Description Book for complete list) Technology Systems, BCIS, Computer Applications, Computer Science, Communication Graphics CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY ELECTIVES: Agriculture, Applied Technology, Business Technology, Criminal Justice, Industrial Technology, Home Economics, OTHER ELECTIVES: Journalism, Social Studies Electives, Science Electives Enrollment may be limited in elective courses due to classroom and equipment availability COMMUNICATION APPLICATIONS/HEALTH: 260HS/HF 080HF/HS or 1 year of Health Science. Technology classes are listed next. The remainder of the sheet lists courses that would count as free electives. The courses continue to be grouped by the way the courses are offered.
Student Signature Parent Signature Student Signature Parent Signature WRITTEN REQUESTS FOR CHANGES, SIGNED BY A PARENT OR GUARDIAN, MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE COUNSELING OFFICE BY MAY 15, 2009. _____________________________ ______________________________ Student Signature Parent Signature COMMITMENT STATEMENT FOR PRE-AP COURSE(S) I have read and I understand the expectations for participating in the Pre-Advanced Placement courses at Conroe High School as stated in the Course Description Guide. I understand the criteria and I am personally committed to expend the time and effort necessary for success. I accept that I must work to the best of my ability in order to be a part of this program. By entering into an Pre-AP course, I understand that I am making the commitment to that course for the entire school year. ______________________________ _______________________________ Student Signature Parent Signature
Course Selection Timeline Deadline for all schedule changes, Presentation to students 2/2-2/6 Individual counselor meetings 2/9-2/27 Course selection sheets turned in at meeting or may be turned in to the counselors office prior to meeting Verification sheets- at counselor meeting and mailed home. Deadline for all schedule changes, May 15th .
When do I get my schedule? Postcard will come in the summer with dates and times for textbook/schedule pickup The schedule you get in the summer is your “draft” schedule Your FINAL schedule will be given to you the first day of school during homeroom
Questions?????? See your counselor Come to Counselors’ Corner 2/17 6:30 – 8:30 If we did not answer all your questions, please take an index card and leave your question with your name, phone number and/or email address. Someone will respond to your question. Our departments are represented with booths in the commons. Please go by and ask them your subject specific questions. If you have further questions regarding level placement, this would be an excellent opportunity to have those answered. Finally, the counselor will be in the commons here at TWHS-McC from 4:30-6:30 on Tuesday, February 10th and Thursday, February 12th to answer your specific questions.
Thank you for your attendance.