Introduction Canning is defined as preservation of foods in hermetically sealed containers and usually implies heat treatment as the principal factor in prevention of spoilage. Canning was invented by Nicholas Appert in 1910 so also termed as Appertization 2 Canned mango products Next End
3 Canned mango products Canned mango pulp Canned mango slices and tit bits Click on picture for detail End PreviousNext
Mango Pulp Canning… Select ripe mangoes Wash, peel Pulping Filling in plain cans at 85ºC (pH ) Add sugar syrup and 0.3 % citric acid (TSS 40ºBrix) Exhausting (82-85ºC/ 6-10 min) Double seaming Processing (100ºC/30 min) Cooling Storage 4 Canned mango products End PreviousNext
Ripe mango fruits Wash, peel Cut into longitudinal slices Filling in plain cans containing syrup (40ºBrix) and 0.3% citric acid Exhausting (82-85ºC/ 6-10 min) Seaming Processing (100ºC/30 min) Cooling Storage 5 Canned Mango Slices Canned mango products End PreviousNext
What is Syruping? A solution of sugar in water is called a syrup. Syrup is added to improve flavour and to facilitate the heat transfer during processing. Syruping is done only for fruits Syrup is filled hot in cans at about 79-82ºC leaving a headspace of cm (headspace is the gap between the lid of the can and the contents in the can). Citric acid/ ascorbic acid maybe mixed into the syrup to improve flavour and nutritional value, respectively. Citric acid also help in maintaining desired pH <4.5) 6 Canned mango products End PreviousNext
Advantages of Exhausting Exhausting is the process of removal of air from the cans. It helps to: avoid corrosion of tinplate and pinholing during storage reduce chemical reactions between contents and the container minimize discolouration by preventing oxidation retain vitamin particularly vitamin C 7 Canned mango products End PreviousNext
Processing Heating of canned foods for preserving is known as processing. Processing time and temperature should be optimal to eliminate bacteria. Overcooking should be avoided to retain the sensory quality of the product. Mango being acidic (pH<4.5) in nature can be processed at 100ºC or in boiling water. 8 Canned mango products End PreviousNext
FPO Specifications for Canned Mango Products Head space in the can shall be in the range of 0.3 to 0.5 cm The drained weight of the fruit shall not be less than 50 per cent and the fruit should be firm No preservatives shall be added No artificial colour shall be present The can shall not show any positive pressure at sea level and shall not show any sign of bacterial growth when incubated at 37ºC for a week. 9 Canned mango products End PreviousNext
Let Us Sum Up Canning is a process of preservation employing heat as the principle factor for preserving Canned products are shelf stable Syrup/ brine is added to canned products to improve flavour and heat transfer Plain cans can be used for acidic fruits having no water soluble colours 10 Canned mango products End Previous