PDMP & HITI IG Development Workgroup Session August 21, 2014
Meeting Etiquette Remember: If you are not speaking keep your phone on mute Do not put your phone on hold – if you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when finished with your other call – Hold = Elevator Music = very frustrated speakers and participants This meeting, like all of our meeting is being recorded – Another reason to keep your phone on mute when not speaking Feel free to use the “Chat” feature for questions, comments or any items you would like the moderator or participants to know. NOTE: This meeting is being recorded and will be posted on the Meeting Artifacts Wiki page after the meeting From S&I Framework to Participants: Hi everyone: remember to keep your phone on mute 2
Agenda 1.Review Coded Examples for ASAP Web Services & PMIX-NIEM 2.Review PMIX-NIEM cardinality, value sets, and XPaths 3.Discuss Conformance Statements for standards
Harmonization Weekly Timeline Week Target Date (2014) All Hands + IG WG Meeting Tasks Review & Comments from Community via Wiki page (Due End of Week on Friday) 1-153/25-7/8Completed Harmonization Kick-off through Solution Planning 167/15 Finalize: Introduction of IG (Section 1) Introduce: Pre-conditions/Post-conditions (Section 1.6) & Implementation Approach Solution Plan (2.1) Review: Pre-conditions/Post-Conditions; Solution Plan (Overview and Standards) Review: Data Element Request/Response Mappings to PMIX-NIEM 177/22 Finalize: Request Data Element Mappings Introduce: Standards and Request Transactions Review: Response Data Element Mappings & supporting IG content Request Details 187/29 Review: Request Transaction Details in IG & Response Data Element Mappings Introduce: Response Transaction Details Review: Response Transaction Details 198/5 Finalize: Request details /Response Data Elements Introduce: Transformation Details (Request) Review: Request Transformation Details between NCPDP, HL7 V2.0, ASAP to PMIX-NIEM; Identify/document gaps 208/12 Finalize: Request Transformation Details Review: Response Mappings & Transformation details Review: Response Mappings/Transformation Details 218/19 Finalize : Request and Response Mapping & Transformation details Introduce: Conformance Statements Introduce: End-to-End review Process Review: Finalized Request/Response Mappings & Transformation details, Conformance Statements 228/26 Finalize: Conformance statements Introduce Gap Resolution Plan (Replaces suggested enhancements) Introduce: Transport/Security Begin: End-to-End Review of Implementation Guide (Section 1) Review: Transport/Security content Review: Gap Resolution Plan Review: Implementation Guide for End-to-End Review 239/2 Finalize: Transport/Security content and Gap Resolution Plan Review: Comments disposition for end-to-end review Continue End-to-End Community Review of IG (Section 2) Review: Implementation Guide (End-to-End) for final Consensus Vote 249/9Consensus Vote
Outstanding Questions Requestor ID vs. Facility ID –If a Pharmacist is the Requestor, what is populated in the Requestor ID field and the Facility ID field? Definition of Prescriber, Provider, Requestor –[See ASAP coded example] Verify PMIX-NIEM XPaths –Request ID –Requestor –Request Date/Timestamp –Identifier fields
Conformance Statements based on Cardinality CardinalityDescription 0..0The element SHALL NOT be present 0..1The element MAY be omitted and has at most one occurrence 1..1The element SHALL appear once and only once 0..nThe element MAY be omitted or may repeat up to n times 1..nThe element SHALL appear at least once, and MAY repeat up to n times 0..*The element MAY be omitted, or it MAY repeat an unlimited number of times 1..* The element SHALL appear at least once, and MAY repeat an unlimited number of times m..nThe element SHALL appear at least m times, and at most, n times 2..2The element SHALL appear two and only two times 3..3The element SHALL appear three and only three times
Example Conformance Statement Each Request SHALL have a Prescriber Identifier. The Prescriber Identifier SHOULD be DEA Number. If the DEA Number does not exist, then the Prescriber Identifier SHALL be one of the following types: NPI State License Identifier Each Request that contains a State License ID for the xyz Identifier SHALL specify the State of License An NCPDP SCRIPT Request SHALL have a abc Identifier. The abc identifier SHALL be one of the following types: o DEA Number o NPI
Defining Conformance Statements For Request –Minimal set of data elements (for request) –For translation/transformation: For elements not required in NCPDP but required by IG, conformance statements need to show what is required (SHALL) for optional NCPDP items to be compliant with IG. What may be required in by NCPDP/ASAP/HL7 and optional in IG we say MAY NOT For Response –Minimal set of data elements (for response) For data that is required by IG and optional in NCPDP: NCPDP SHALL expect/accomodate For data that is required by NCPDP and optional in IG: NCPDP SHALL/SHOULD NOT expect specified data elements Gaps may address what hub SHALL include
Next Steps Review: Implementation Approach – Coded Examples, Conformance Statements Next All Hands meeting is Tuesday, 8/26 from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm ET o Review IG content Next IG Development Workgroup Session is Thursday, 8/28 from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm ET Reminder: All PDMP & HIT Integration Announcements, Meeting Schedules, Agendas, Minutes, Reference Materials, Harmonization materials, Use Case, Project Charter and general information will be posted on the PDMP Wiki page – Homepagehttp://wiki.siframework.org/PDMP+%26+Health+IT+Integration+ Homepage