Professional Development Enrollment Talladega County School District
What does STIPD mean? STI is an acronym for “Software Technology, Inc.” Administrative Software for Schools. PD is an acronym for “Professional Development.”
Other PD Terms: Terms and definitions: –ALSDE or SDE - Alabama State Department of Education –Regional PD – training that includes employees from two or more school districts –LEA – Local Educational Agency like Talladega County School District
What is STIPD? –STI is a leading provider of Education Data Management solutions to the K-12 market. –STI began in 1982 by developing administrative software for schools and had early success in the southeastern United States. –In 2003, the state of Alabama selected STI to provide student information systems and special education tracking to all local education agencies in the state. –STIProfessional Development Tracking has been added to manage training sessions.
Why STIPD? STIPD is used by school systems in Alabama to: –Enroll participants in PD training sessions, Collect a history of employee PD trainings, and –Assist employees in planning for future professional growth and career plans.
The Team for Talladega County Dr. Suzanne Lacey, Deputy Superintendent - approves leave request/time for professional development Dr. Janet Cumbee, Director of Instruction and Assessment – approves LEA professional development activities Dr. Donna R. King, Instructional Services Administrator – manages STIPD activities Amanda Collins, Data Technician – manages STIOffice for the Talladega County School District
STIPD Management (PD Manager) Dr. Donna R. King assists with: –Locating state STIPD sessions, –Locating regional STIPD sessions, –Designing and posting LEA STIPD sessions for Talladega County School District. Dr. King also assists with: –Username and password inquiries. –Employee training history.
Opportunities for PD Opportunities for Professional Development include: –Alabama State Department of Education sponsored workshops and training, Regional workshops and training among two or more school districts, and –Local Educational Agency (LEA) sponsored workshops and training for the Talladega County School District.
Other Opportunities for PD Other opportunities for professional development include: –Enrollment in college courses, –On-line/web based PD courses, –National or Annual meetings, –Professional meetings, –Commercial trainings, –Independent studies approved by the school district.
Opportunities for PD Credit Every Opportunity for Professional Development is not automatically posted on STIPD. –The Alabama State Department of Education is responsible for posting ALSDE sponsored training sessions. A Regional Coordinator (assigned by the ALSDE) is responsible for posting regional training sessions. –A Local Educational Agency (LEA) is responsible for posting system-wide sessions. –Activities in Talladega County are posted by the PD Manager.
Enrollment in STIPD Access the Internet. Go to: Make it a favorite!
Username, Password & LEA –To log into STIPD, you will need to enter your 1.User name, 2.Password, and 3.LEA. –The next screen is a summary from the ALSDE as to how to log onto STIPD the first time.
User Name, Password & LEA 1.User Name –First Initial, Last Initial, plus Last Six Digits of SS# Example: John Doe = jd (lower case) 2.Password –Six-Digit Birth Date (Separated with Dashes) Example: February 1, 1975 = LEA –Use Pull-Down Menu (Drop Box) to select: Talladega County
“Help, I can’t log into STIPD!” –If you are unable to enroll, Dr. Donna R. King, PD Manager, at –If you have forgotten your username and/or password, please contact the PD Manager. –If you repeatedly attempt to log onto STIPD with an incorrect username/password, the “STIPD Security System” will lock your file until it is reset. This is a protection for you. Notify the PD Manager by or by phone,
You may change your username & password... –After logging into STIPD, you may be prompted to change your username and password. (First time users receive a “pop-up” notification.) Feel free to make changes and please record your new username and password for future reference. –If you wish to make a change in your username & password, go to “My Profile.” –While in STIPD, please check your address and other personal data. If your address is incorrect, you will not receive confirmation of enrollment or notification of a cancelled PD training session.
Enroll in a Session Select “PD Titles” –If you have an idea of what you are looking for then use the “Search the PD Title Catalog.” –You may search by “PD Title Number.” Talladega County School District PD Title Numbers begin with “61-”. Examples: (61-YY/MM) for all sessions in June 2008 or (61-YY/MM/DD) for a session on June 03, –If you know the date of the training session then go to “View Session Offerings” and take either: –List View (one long list by dates in alphabetical order by session title) –Calendar View (appears as a calendar)
Select a Session Once you locate your training session, click on the session, read to make sure it is the session you want, and then click on the “Enroll Now” button. Caution: Be sure to read all about the session you are selecting. Frequently, training sessions will have more that one presentation on the same day or may have multiple sessions on multiple days. If you select the wrong session, you may not receive credit for PD hours. When you have completed the enrollment process, please click on “Log Out.” If the author of the PD Session has selected the “notify participant” option while posting the session, then you will receive a reminder 3 days before the session.
Other features As you become more aware of the STIPD site, you may wish to check a listing of your sessions, look at your history, or submit new training history item for approval. Problem solving: –If you have problems signing onto STIPD, locating or enrolling into sessions, or any other problems, please contact...
Dr. Donna R. King Instructional Services Administrator Talladega County Teacher Center