Conf Name1 A Suggested Power Point Presentation Template Author list in 32-point Affiliations in 32-point Logo can be placed below
Conf Name2 Outline of Presentation Start with the agenda – max 5 bullets Stress the innovation you have made Spend < 1 min on this foil Make 10 to 15 foils for your presentation
Conf Name3 Page Setup Use landscape format Name of conference in the bottom – view the footer and edit Slide number should appear in bottom
Conf Name4 Colors and Fonts Make sure font color contrasts with background color Use white or yellow text only on a medium blue background Some poor font and color choices are shown on the next page - Alternate background color
Conf Name5 Poor Color and Font Choices Poor contrast will make this unreadable Too dark back- ground … will darken the room too much and if your font is too thin, it won’t be visible. Another poor choice of font colors and background color
Conf Name6 Fonts Use Arial Bold font –Some fonts project poorly Times Bookman Americana Use as large a font as possible Main text lines: 32 point –Secondary lines: 28 point Smallest text lines: 24 point –Anything below 24 is too small (e.g. 20 point)
Conf Name7 General Guidelines Convey your idea through pictures when possible Limit one idea to a page Avoid going back and forth – e.g. if you wish to show the agenda again, duplicate the foil Do not use too much animation Rehearse your talk with your colleagues
Conf Name8 Text Slides Slides with lots of words are hard for the audience to assimilate Use no more than 30 words per page Use no more than 6 lines of text per page
Conf Name9 Graphs and Figures Use simple line drawings –Do not cut-and-paste drawings from other sources –Make all lines sufficiently thick –Restrict colors to white and yellow Fonts embedded in figures > 24 point –Make sure fonts other than Arial bold are not incorporated into figures When importing data from other programs, make sure the source has the right fonts
Conf Name10 Example of a good figure Simple graph, thick, bold axes, large fonts
Conf Name11 Example of Bad Figure Fonts & lines too small –fonts wrong color Grey background & colored lines
Conf Name12 Saving your File Embed true type fonts in your file –Click on “File”, “Save As”, “Tools”, “Embed True Type Fonts”, or –Click on “File”, “Save As”, and check “Embed True Type” Save your file with the name pattern S-P_author_n.ppt S: Session number P: Paper number, n: Version Example: S1-33_Pankaj_1.ppt
Conf Name13 Presentation Guidelines Thank your session chair and coauthors before you begin Do not waste time loading the presentation or connecting your laptop – do this a priori You will be given a warning by session chair 3 minutes before your time expires Make sure you finish within time and leave 3 min for Q&A
Conf Name14 Uploading your Presentation Some conferences expect you to upload the presentation in advance! This means you must plan ahead! Your Session Chair may send some fixes for the slides!