Measure References The Network Structure Acknowledgments ParticipantsConclusions Kim Kienapple Social Economy and Sustainability Research Network, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Canada For further information Please contact More information on this and related projects can be obtained at The Impact of Participatory Practices on Community-University Collaboration 1 Kaye, G. (1993). Diagnosing your coalition: Risk factors for participation. Brooklyn, NY: Community Development Consultants 2 King, G., Servais, M., Currie, M., Kertoy, M., Law, M., Rosenbaum, P., Specht, J., Willoughby, T., Forchuk, C., & Chalmers, H. (2003). The Community Impacts of Research Oriented Partnerships (The CIROP Measure). Available from Over eighty social economy practitioners, academics, collaborating institutions, government agencies and community partners have come together, willing to contribute their complementary strengths, networks and depth and breadth of experience in social economy research and practice in Atlantic Canada. The Network includes self-defined community economic development organization, non-profits, service sector organization and co- operatives Sub node 1 - Mapping and Policy Analysis Sub node 2 - Mobilization -- Inclusion and Empowerment in the Social Economy Sub node 3 - Mobilization -- Food Security and Community Economic Development Sub node 4 - Mobilization for Natural Resources and Livelihood Sub node 5 - Financing and Measuring Performance in the Social Economy Sub node 6 - Communication Practices & Tools Node Steering and Management Committee ►43 community partner organizations ►18 Academic partner organizations ►9 government partner organizations Measures Outcomes Research and governance models based on principles of participation and empowerment as established in Participatory Action Research Sample Research Process Question 2 OVER THE PAST YEAR, to what extent has your experience with your partnership helped you to become better at raising questions to be examined in research (e.g., led to more comfort and confidence in asking questions; fostered your desire to critically appraise what you're doing yourself)? Sample Governance Question 1 …Projects are based on the expressed interests and concerns of members …After a project or activity is completed, members are involved in evaluation in order to learn from the experience Denise Nevo – Translation Noreen Millar – Network Coordinator Leah Quilty – Research Assistant Governance Process Statements AcademicCommunity Governance activities are conducted in relation to the vision and goals There are active committees10083 Meetings are held “where members are” to enhance involvement 100 Members feel free to speak at meetings Substantive Agendas10083 Developing new leaders is accomplished 8783 Goals, activities and projects are established using participatory methods 8883 Project outcomes are relevant to members Network activity is focused on mutually relevant issues Resources and information from related organizations is used Everyone is treated equally10083 All contributions are recognized and rewarded 100 Research Process Statements AcademicCommunity Increased or changed your personal knowledge about a topic Confirmed importance of an issue9083 Increased your confidence in your professional activities 7066 Improved access to up-to-date information 9083 Helped you raise research questions 7066 Increase receptiveness to new ideas 9083 Improved ability to access information 6066 Enhanced ability to conduct research 6050 Increased professional or personal development 5083 Increased organization’s knowledge about a topic 6650 Led to a new way of thinking, new perspective or new delivery method 4450 Values represent percentage of respondents agreeing with the statement. Evidence of the use of Participatory processes (equal, responsive, developmental) Academic and Community members value Participatory processes for community- university governance activities The ‘work’ of the governance committees is facilitated by Participatory processes Using Participatory processes to engage members in research activity results in personal, professional and organizational development Using Participatory processes to engage members is research activity results in outcomes that are timely, relevant and seen to have application