Supplementary table 1 Supplementary table 1. Clinical-pathological features of the resection-only and chemotherapy/resection stage II/III colorectal cancer patient cohorts with mature survival data in the Singapore dataset. A. Composition of two patient groups (N=313), resection-only and chemotherapy/resection. B. Statistical associations between pairs of factors in resection-only and chemotherapy/resection groups. Tests used included Fisher’s Exact test (both categorical factors), Wilcoxon/Kruskal-Wallis tests (categorical and continuous factors) and Spearman rank correlation (both continuous factors). A p-value (Bonferroni correction) of was used to determine significance. Resection-only Resection/Adjuvant Chemotherapy N (n) Age (years, median (range)) ( )157 (67)59.15 ( )156 (71) GenderMale 68 (27) 85 (41) Female 89 (40) 71 (30) Ethnic groupChinese 137 (61) 136 (62) Non-Chinese 20 (6) 20 (9) Tumour SiteRectal 24 (12) 43 (16) Non-Rectal 133 (55) 113 (55) StageII 114 (44) 51 (22) III 43 (23) 105 (49) Differentiation Group1 4 (1) 5 (3) (60) 130 (58) 3 13 (6) 21 (10) Tumour Size (mm, median (range))-4 (0.4-12)157 (67)4 (1-15)156 (71) InvasionNo Invasion 18 (9) 23 (13) Invasion 139 (58) 133 (58) EphA2 LevelLow 76 (24) 82 (38) High 81 (43) 74 (33) Resection-only and Chemotherapy/Resection Cohorts EphA2 Level InvasionDifferentiation Chemotherapy Status Tumour Site (Rectal/ Non-Rectal) EthnicityGenderStageAge Tumour Size EphA2 Level- Invasion Differentiation Chemotherapy Status Tumour Site (Rectal/Non- Rectal) Ethnicity Gender Stage E Age E Tumour Size A. B.
Stage I-IV Features Low expression (0-1) (n=255) High expression (2-3) (n=254) Kendall’s tauFisher’s exact p (Bonferroni adjusted) CD <0.001* Low expression19179 High expression64175 LGR50.229<0.001* Low expression10551 High expression CD133 expression Low expression High expression10597 Ki-67 expression Low expression High expression96 AXL expression0.237<0.001* Low expression11961 High expression Supplementary table 2 Supplementary table 2. EphA2 and clinical-pathological correlates in CRC. Correlation between EphA2 and CD44, LGR5, CD133, Ki-67 and AXL in 509 stage I-IV CRC cases of the Singapore dataset.
Supplementary table 3 Chemotherapy/ Resection GroupStage EphA2 LevelInvasionDifferentiation Tumour Site (Rectal/non-rectal)EthnicityGenderAge Tumour Size Stage- EphA2 Level Invasion Differentiation Tumour Site (Rectal/non- rectal) Ethnicity Gender Age Tumour Size Resection GroupStage EphA2 LevelInvasionDifferentiation Tumour Site (Rectal/non-rectal)EthnicityGenderAge Tumour Size Stage- EphA2 Level Invasion Differentiation Tumour Site (Rectal/non- rectal) Ethnicity Gender Age Tumour Size A. B. Supplementary table 3. Statistical associations between pairs of factors in the surgery only (A) and surgery/chemotherapy (B) stage II/III groups in the Singapore dataset. Tests used included Fisher’s Exact test (both categorical factors), Wilcoxon/Kruskal-Wallis tests (categorical and continuous factors) and Spearman rank correlation (both continuous factors). A p-value (Bonferroni correction) of was used to determine significance.
Supplementary table 4 Supplementary table 4. A. Univariate and multivariate analysis (Cox proportional hazards regression) of resection- chemotherapy stage II/III patient group. B. Final multivariate model (Cox proportional hazards regression) of resection- chemotherapy stage II/III patient group. FACTOR UnivariateMultivariate (Full) N (n)HR95% CIp-valueHR95% CIp-value Age (per year increase) 156 (71) GenderMale85 (41)1.00 Female71 (30) Ethnic groupChinese136 (62)1.00 Non-Chinese20 (9) Tumour SiteRectal43 (16)1.00 Non-Rectal113 (55) Tumour Size (linear, per year increase) 156 (71) InvasionNo Invasion133 (58)1.00 Invasion23 (13) EphA2 LevelLow82 (38)1.00 High74 (33) Multivariate (Final) N (n)HR95% CIp-value Age (per year increase) 156 (71) GenderMale85 (41)1 Female71 (30) Tumour Size (linear, per year increase) 156 (71) A. B.
Supplementary table 5. Statistical association between expression levels of TGF-α and EphA2 using Spearman’s Rank Correlation in GSE17536, GSE39582, GSE14333 and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Within each dataset the value of Rho and associated p-value is reported. GSE17536TCGAGSE39582GSE14333 Gene Pairp-valueRhop-valueRhop-valueRhop-valueRho EphA2TGF-α E E Supplementary table 5