All About Cardiothoracic Surgeon By: Yeonjoo Lee
Cardiothoracic Surgeon They are specialized surgeon They operate Heart surgery, heart transplant, valve replacement, and lung surgery.
I chose this job because my grandfather died because of heart disease. Also I was interested since I was watching many dramas about the doctors. I always wanted to observe people getting better after the surgeries are done. Why do I want to become a Cardiothoracic Surgeon?
Career Path to become a Cardiothoracic Surgeon need to study 4years of health science, anatomy, biology, and math Then go to medical school and study for at least 4years You need to take 5years of residency in surgery 2~3 years working on cardiothoracic surgery Approximately, I need to study 15~16 years to become a cardiothoracic surgeon. Able to communicate with their patients Be very detailed on everything Not very emotional because you can experience things that can make you depress ***You can’t be scared of blood
Working Environment and Conditions work in the big hospital where every tools for the surgeries are all provided. work on week days, weekend, night, and even when you are not working If you got called by the hospital you need to go to the hospital ASAP. No vacations It’s a depressing job
Salary Range $200,000~400,000 per year It’s a depressing job, so there are not enough cardiothoracic surgeons in the world, so you get paid a lot
Pros and Cons Pros of this job: You have high salary range. Be proud to see people’s happy face after the surgery. Cons of this job: It’s a depressing job. -Work almost everyday. -looking at people’s blood everyday. -see people die from the surgeries.
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