The eye of the beholder Mr. Delgado Health class Lesson 1.


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Presentation transcript:

The eye of the beholder Mr. Delgado Health class Lesson 1

Take 5 seconds to look into the mirror Write for 3 minutes about what you have seen Would you call it beautiful? Mirror, Mirror….

What does society have to say about beauty? ▫What does society tell you a beautiful male looks like ▫What does society tell you a beautiful female looks like

What is beauty? Definition- the perceived attractiveness of a human being Is beauty due to society or ones own personal way of thinking

Self Image Self image is how you see yourself. This may be how you see yourself physically or your opinion of who and what you are which is normally called self concept. - you see yourself physicallyself concept Self image includes: ▫What kind of person you think you are ▫What you believe others think of you ▫How much you like yourself or you think others like you ▫The status you feel you have "What do you believe people think about you?"

Skin deep If beauty is only skin deep? Why do we put so much money into it? How do we put money into becoming “beautiful” ? Make up clothing Working out diets Tanning surgery Tattoos piercings

$ Is the price right$ Fact: Buying what is hot- 6/10 teen girls will spend over $2,000 per year in new clothing. Fact: One of the top health disorders in teens (both males and females) is eating disorders Fact : Melanoma (skin cancer) can kill with in 2 months of forming

Are men overly concerned with body image issues? $4 billion on exercise equipment and health club memberships $3 billion on grooming aids and fragrances $800 million on hair transplants $500 million on male cosmetic surgery procedures $300 million on procedures such as pectoral implants and chin surgery $200 million on procedures such as liposuction and rhinoplast (nose jobs )

What TV does not tell us about Death from plastic surgery Death from skin cancer Death from eating disorders


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Understanding true beauty Beauty is said to be the key for most social and emotional problems in society. How can you change the way the world looks at beauty so it is less negative? To you what is true beauty? Is it with in, is it looks, or is it both? Write a poem or song about beauty in the world today Or Find a poem or song that talks about beauty.