05/06/2012 ATLAS week outreach meeting - Marc Goulette1/14 CERN and ATLAS visits info for guides Marc Goulette (Maitre-assistant, University of Geneva)
05/06/2012 ATLAS week outreach meeting - Marc Goulette2/14 MAIN WEBPAGE for GUIDES
05/06/2012 ATLAS week outreach meeting - Marc Goulette3/14 Visits agenda MAIN REGISTRATION PAGE for GUIDES
05/06/2012 ATLAS week outreach meeting - Marc Goulette4/14 1.What do we do at CERN ? 2.How much money does it cost ? Source ? 3.How much electricity ? Source ? 4.Dangers, explosions, black holes, radiations 5.Current status of CERN, LHC, experiments 6.Physics “HOT” topics: -New physics, new searches, Higgs -Neutrino story (speed of light…) -Black Holes, Big Bang -Dark matter, Anti matter -Extra dimensions -String Theory -Other questions about the Universe Answers to those questions in some links of this talk + FAQ from main guide webpage + LHC booklet + particle data book (online) My Top Questions…
05/06/2012 ATLAS week outreach meeting - Marc Goulette5/14 1.CERN intro (talk conf, CERN movie 24 min, etc…) 2.Accelerators (Microcosm, SM18, PS, AVC, 3D-movie) 3.Detectors (ATLAS painting, AVC, CMS, LHCb) 4.Physics (CERN movie, globe animation, AVC) 5.Control rooms (faq ?) (CCC, AVC, CMS, PS) 6.Others (CC, AMS, Antimatter facility, CAST) Answers to those questions in some links of this talk Depends on the audience… (general, students, young, addicts ;-) ?) Main topics to cover during a visit…
05/06/2012 ATLAS week outreach meeting - Marc Goulette6/14 BEAM or NO BEAM This is the question ;-)
05/06/2012 ATLAS week outreach meeting - Marc Goulette7/14
05/06/2012 ATLAS week outreach meeting - Marc Goulette8/14 Hot news: an Astronaut at CERN Might be about Higgs discovery soon…??
05/06/2012 ATLAS week outreach meeting - Marc Goulette9/14 A few other links… Public Web Sites Public Home Page ATLAS Blog ATLAS Virtual Visits ATLAS Live Twitter Feed Facebook Pagehttp:// Google+ Pagehttp://gplus.to/ATLASexperiment YouTubehttp:// Internal Group Web Sites Sharepointhttp://cern.ch/aos Facebook Grouphttp:// E-Groupsatlas-outreach, atlas-outreach-CRBlog-authors, atlas-outreach- multimedia, atlas-outreach-physics-authors, atlas-outreach-coord, atlas-vc-guides External Resources IPPOG Databasehttp://ippog.web.cern.ch
05/06/2012 ATLAS week outreach meeting - Marc Goulette10/14 Useful info about: - The globe - Guided tours - Private visits - Other events…
05/06/2012 ATLAS week outreach meeting - Marc Goulette11/14 Once available, try to use them So far, expected around end of June at Point 1 in AVC Improvements Short Videos for Touch Screen New 3D Movie & Projection Hardware Upgrades Online Documentation New Guides Partnership with CERN PH-EDU News about Point1, AVC Short Medium Long Boogie Detector
05/06/2012 ATLAS week outreach meeting - Marc Goulette12/14 For the most advanced or curious visitors ;-)
05/06/2012 ATLAS week outreach meeting - Marc Goulette13/14 First out of all: Fire brigade !! (a person in trouble…) Second: guides should have phones with numbers registered… (ex: the main guide gets one for groups..) CERN visit service: 72727, (register, organize, cancel) GROUP visits: VTC or GTC: 1) or 2) ATLAS Point 1, AVC: call VTC (event. Slimos 78804) GLOBE maintenance: 1) P.Moret , or really in case you don’t get him, B.Pellequer (165198, 71733) CERN reception (for ATLAS open): 1) or 2) CERN security (Central Securitas): Offline: reports problems at sites or during tours (ex: last globe guide): Visits Service: ATLAS Visitor Centre: Cern Reception: For important issues, mail to Mick Storr, Bernard Pellequer or Dominique Bertola Import contacts to know
05/06/2012 ATLAS week outreach meeting - Marc Goulette14/14 Think about security first, and follow all related rules (young people, old persons, disabled, shoes, limited number Second try to satisfy the group or visitors requests: make them enjoy the visit, have fun, give personal stories, and increase their curiosity Keep within timing (shuttles..), think about other tours, and lots of visits per day (as well as people having a plane to take..) Try to keep the whole group with you, and make sure they can hear… And also that you don’t loose them :-). (Ex: Problems raised for SM18) Stay tuned, and document yourself, there are also questions we have no answers for ;-) Think about the material, maintenance, and all the people involved… (check at end of tour, lost objects, anything..) Use all our resources: we have many ;-) Be nice ;-). As a guide, we are representing CERN, so this one of our duty to show the best we can. And sometimes visitors come from the farthest point on the earth… Very few last remarks