2 Implementation of enactment of the basic law concerning volunteer activity (Feb.’06) Composition of volunteer promotion committee (chairman: prime minister) Composition of professional research team, joint meeting of relevant ministries, public forum, etc. Study on national basic plan and collection of opinions (Dec. ’06.~ May ’07) Establishment of national basic plan (draft) Resolution of national basic plan for promoting volunteering (Jul. ’07) Screening at the volunteer working-level committee and the volunteer promotion committee
3 Participation Participation Rate 2.68 million people registered with volunteer center, million in the number of volunteers engaged in annual activities (’06) 40,000 volunteer and non-profit organizations engage in various volunteering activities ※ About 79.7% of adults have positive recognition of volunteering
4 Council Korea council of volunteering, Korea volunteer center association, Korea social welfare council, etc. Policy, study Korea volunteer academic society, Korea volunteer forum, Korea volunteer development institute, etc. Education, training Volunteer 21, Korea volunteer association, etc. Disaster management Korea disaster safety network, National Red Cross, Safety life practice citizens association, etc. Overseas volunteering Overseas assistance group council, KOPION, Service for Peace, etc. Social welfare World Vision, Korea welfare foundation, Good neighbors, etc. Enterprises Social contribution teams operated by Samsung, SKT, LG Electronics, POSCO, Hyundai Kia Motors, etc. Grass roots group Volunteer groups registered with volunteer service center, etc.
5 Volunteering Infrastructure Supports for volunteers Volunteer centers offer information, manage and educate volunteers Implementation and operation of volunteer information system for managing and supporting of volunteering 10,000 times of education for 670,000 volunteers annually (’06) Recognition and compensation of awarding best volunteers a prize, insurance subscription, etc. CS Women volunteer network VMS Saeall Administration System Information System No. of places Youth activity promotion center Women resource activity center Social welfare information center Volunteer Center Category ※ 1.22 million people insured (’06)
6 Problems of volunteering - Doubleness of policy, non-sharing information, etc. Biased volunteer activities and insufficient professional program Lower participation rate than advanced countries Lower recognition of the value of volunteer activities Insufficient systemicity and interconnection Non-standardization and non-professional 51% 46% 44% 20.5%
7 Settle down volunteer activities of private leading and government support
8 Diverse On-Offline PR, enlarge support event and exhibition, etc. Spread of nationally volunteer culture and activation PR Systematic volunteer learning of students at primary, middle, high schools and universities, education for youths and adults, etc. Establishment of volunteering lifelong education system Survey of actual status of recognition & compensation, Study of model development, etc. Reward for volunteering
9 Development Information System, promotion financial resource, etc. Fostering and supports for volunteer groups & centers, establishment of nationwide volunteer center, etc. Survey of status of relevant laws, regulations and ordinances of related institutions, etc.
10 Survey of current status of volunteer management system, publication center operation manual, etc. Qualification process model development, introduction of educational institution certification system, etc. Service program development, expert instructor training and assistance for program, etc.
11 Survey of volunteering operation, research support, etc. Development of standard estimation indicator, etc. Development of specialized program and standard manual, etc. Foreign countries service group dispatch business support such as KOICA Foreign countries business support about private organization such as KOPIAN - Medical services, relief activities, environmental protection, etc. Cooperation between country such as international event attraction, participation support and information interchange
12 Total million dollars ※ Including 205 million dollars related to dispatch of KOICA ※ Separated from financial resource for local governments and volunteer centers ( annual 40 million dollars estimated ) ※ To be fixed in case of establishing national finance operation plan (Unit : a million dollars) TotalTotal Average annual increase from 50.4 to 64.9 million dollars ※ Socioeconomic value (’05) : 3,100 million dollars estimated