The Jason Project Field Assignment By Liandra Guerrera
Insect Watch The water at the Mounties creek is not clean because rubbish was found. Also weeds almost covered half the creek. Our Task was to use a tub to scoop water from the creek and to observe what insects were scooped with the water. The insects found in they creek are able to tolerate polluted and dirty water. They include: Tadpoles Leeches Water snails Dragonflies Ducks
Land Survey Our task was to visit 4 quadrants to observe and test what wee saw or did. In the 1 st and 2 nd quadrants we observed the plant life at the creek. The plants found were mostly weeds and they are also very tolerant and do not need much care. The weeds were different to each other in size and shape. They were all pretty tall plants. In quadrant 1, around 5 plants were observed and in quadrant 2 there were around 3 plants were observed.
Land Survey (continued) In the 3 rd quadrant we observed the temperature of the grass around the creek. I found that the temperature was around 18 degrees. The area was cool and windy. At the 4 th and final quadrant we were asked to dig out some of the dirt and see if you could mould it into a donut. The results were clear the soil had high clay content because I could easily mould it into a donut.
Land Survey Facts: Plants in clay are nourished while as plants in less clay grow tall. No flowers can survive in areas with high clay content and they need a lot more care then weed type plants.
Water Survey Our task was to collect information on Water movement, Water temperature, Ph testing and Turbidity. ResultsMethod Water movement Our leaf didn’t make it. Dropped a leaf from one side of the bridge and counted how long before it reached the other end. Water Temperature Around 20 degrees Lowered a thermometer into the water, left it for a minute then pulled it back out and checked the temperature. Ph Ph7.4 Alkaline Attached a tin to some string and lowered it into the creek, scooped up some water then tested it. Turbidity The disk went yellow. We lowered a secchi disk into the water and observed what effects the water had until the disk touched the bottom.
Nature walk and Discussion For this activity we walked along the creek and made many observations. Animals seen around the creek include: Butterflies Birds Ants Bees Ducks and others.
Site Observations This task was to complete a observation sheet. Here are my results. Does the water flow at your site? Yes It is a manmade wetland known as a creek. What is the colour of the creek water? Brownish-Green It is a mixed murky colour. Does it have scum on the surface? Yes It is called algae and it is Greenish. It’s like seaweed and it is broken up. Is there an odor? Yes The organic smells are earthy and musty. While the inorganic smells are hard to identify. What litter surrounds the dam? Its filled with wrappers and leaves.