All about… By: Nicholas Haddad
Geography North Dakota is a lowland, rocky state. The highest point in North Dakota is White Butte at 3, 506 ft. in the Badlands. The lowest point in North Dakota is the Red River at 750 ft. below sea level. The land size is 70,700 sq. mi., which makes this the 19 th largest state in the USA. The climate year round is about 3 the low in winter and 80 the high in summer. The two major bodies of water are the Red River and the Missouri River. The state of North Dakota is located in the Midwest Region. The population is 646,844.
Major Cities There are a lot of major cities in the state of North Dakota. The most populated and largest city is Fargo. The other major cities are Grand Forks, Jamestown, Willston, Minot, and the capital, Bismarck. Minot is famous for making planes for the US Army. Grand Forks is the home of the University of North Dakota.
History North Dakota has a lot of famous history. Here is a timeline I created. The timeline of North Dakota: 1610-Henry Hudson claims the land in North Dakota France claims land by the Mississippi River, with North Dakota in it North Dakota became a state 1978-Carter changes Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park into a National Park The Red River floods. Some Native American tribes are the Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara, Cheyenne, Ojibwa, and Sioux. Immigrant groups are all from Europe.
Politics This is Governor and Senator John Hoeven a Republican. The state of North Dakota has 1 Representative and 2 senators. The state of North Dakota is fully Republican.
Economy Natural Resources: Rich soil, lots of agriculture, petroleum, coal, natural gas, sand, gravel, and wheat. Manufactured Goods: Milk, wheat, food products, and clay. Industries: Cattle industries, and Milk industries. Famous company: Bobcat Farm products: Milk, Beef, and wheat. Employment: Health Care, and Agriculture Current unemployment rate: 3.6%
!Fun Facts! Bird: Western Meadowlark Tree: American Elm Fish: Northern Pike Beverage: Milk Dance: Square dance Equine: Nokota horse Fossil: Teredo petrified wood Grass: Western wheatgrass Fact: The worlds largest buffalo & cow are located here