National School Feeding Scheme Report to the Portfolio Committee October 2002
Background to PSNP Presidential Lead Project since 1994 Aims of PSNP To improve the learning capacity of children To alleviate the effects of poverty
Current status of PSNP Implemented by Health and Education, with Health as lead Department Components of Integrated Nutrition Programme School feeding Nutrition education Parasite control Micronutrient supplementation in schools
Cabinet decisions 23 rd January 2002 Improve implementation of PSNP Extension to Grade R learners in schools and registered ECD Centres Determine best location of school feeding Health, Education and Social Development to ensure proper functioning of PSNP
Further steps Evaluation of PSNP programme by Health Working group of Health, Education and Social Development considered decisions of Cabinet and evaluation, and prepared technical paper for Cabinet.
Cabinet decision 18 th September 2002 Inclusion of Grade R learners in targeted Primary schools Funding to be increased annually Continue co-operation to improve efficiency Transfer of School feeding component of the Integrated Nutrition Programme to Education by April 2004.
Inclusion of Grade R learners Develop criteria for targeting Primary schools in nodal areas Detailed information available on current Grade R learners; ECD rollout to coincide with targeting Co-ordination with DoSD regarding feeding in registered ECD Community sites
Funding Agreed to increase annually Increase to be based on ongoing needs analysis Basic options for menus to be prepared and costed Part of budget for Integrated Nutrition Programme to be retained by Health for management of other three components
Improving efficiency Standardised menus Standardised time and number of days feeding Improved procurement procedures Improved targeted strategies Increased participation of community groups, especially women’s groups
Transfer of programme to Education Conceptualisation and planning of new approach Human resources: recruitment and development System capacity: national, provincial, local and school levels Inter-Departmental collaboration Governing body involvement
New approaches? Build on successes of community feeding initiatives Build especially on community gardens: co- operation of FAO secured Provide a hot meal, for up to 200 days a year Use governing bodies to manage programmes