Digital Systems Design VHDL simulation of a 3 – Bit Binary Decoder with Enable by Marc A. Mackey
3 - Bit Binary Decoder
List of eight address selections in hex address select is in hex 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
Output Description E is the enable when the enable is low all outputs are zero D0 is high when 000 is addressed and E is high D1 is high when 001 is addressed and E is high D2 is high when 010 is addressed and E is high D3 is high when 011 is addressed and E is high D4 is high when 100 is addressed and E is high D5 is high when 101 is addressed and E is high D6 is high when 110 is addressed and E is high D7 is high when 111 is addressed and E is high
VHDL Code for Decoder --VHDL Code For The 3-bit Decoder with Enable library ieee; use ieee.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; entity decoder is port ( addr_sel : in std_ulogic; E : in std_ulogic; D0 : out std_ulogic; D1 : out std_ulogic; D2 : out std_ulogic; D3 : out std_ulogic; D4 : out std_ulogic; D5 : out std_ulogic; D6 : out std_ulogic; D7 : out std_ulogic ); end decoder;
VHDL Code for Decoder (cont’d) architecture decoder of binary is begin process (addr_sel, E) begin if (E = '1') then case addr_sel(2 downto 0) is when "000" =>D0 <= " "; when "001" =>D1 <= " "; when "010" =>D2 <= " "; when "011" =>D3 <= " "; when "100" =>D4 <= " "; when "101" =>D5 <= " "; when "110" =>D6 <= " "; when "111" =>D7 <= " "; end case; end if; end process; end decoder;
VHDL Simulation
Vote of Thanks James Freebourn–Harris Corp. Melbourne, FL