TPAC Tasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing Partner in APAC (Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing) Expertise centre for Earth Systems Science (ESS) Provides expertise & educational programs, as well as HPC facilities Located at University of Tasmania, Hobart Partnership between: University of TasmaniaCSIRO Atmospheric Research CSIRO Marine ResearchAustralian Maritime College Australian Antarctic DivisionAntarctic Climate & Ecosystems CRC Bureau of Met. Research Centre Who is TPAC?
TPAC Overview Brief overview of TPAC Grid Program TPAC – NDG Federation Development of LAS Web Map Service Development of server-side analysis service (Steve Phipps)
TPAC ESS Grid Project ESS Data Grid - making ESS datasets transparently available to users of the APAC National Grid - developing a range of grid-based services that allow users to better utilise these datasets ESS Compute Grid porting ESS models/applications to the APAC National Grid
TPAC Analysis / Models Discovery Visualisation Digital Repository OPeNDAP Crawler APAC NF VPAC AC3 SAPAC IVEC Job/Data Management The Vision APAC National Grid Infrastructure APAC Grid
TPAC TPAC OPeNDAP Network APAC NF (Canberra) International IPCC model results (10-50Tb) TPAC 1/8 degree ocean simulations (7Tb) Met Bureau Research Centre (Melbourne) Near real-time LAPS analyses products (<1Gb) Sea- and sub-surface temperature products University of Tasmania (Hobart) NCEP2 (150Gb), WOCE3 Global (90Gb) Antarctic AWS (150Gb), Climate modelling (4Gb) ASPeCT sea-ice data (<1Gb) CSIRO Marine Research (Hobart) Ocean colour products & climatologies (1Tb) Satellite altimetry data (<1Gb) Argo float data (<1Gb), MSLA data (5Gb) CSIRO HPSC (Melbourne) IPCC CSIRO Mk3 model results (6Tb) AC3 Facility (Sydney) Land surface datasets
TPAC Portal: Main Page
TPAC Visualisation Portlet Data Retrieval Portlet Analysis/Model Portlet Web Map Service Web Processing Service Web Coverage Service OAI Library Search API (Java) Live Access Server (LAS) OPeNDAP Server GrADS Server/Models Meta data Crawler Digital Repository Gridsphere Portal Web Services Application Layer Data Layer Hardware Layer Compute Engine Config Meta data Discovery Portlet Grid Project: Current Status Grid Users GIS Users Traditional Users
TPAC TPAC – NDG Federation A data Grid linking climate data resources in Australia and the UK Metadata harvesting protocol – Open Archives Initiative (OAI) Metadata schema – Directory Interchange Format (DIF) Deployed for TPAC data holdings TPAC imposes no metadata standards re data holdings
TPAC Mapping TPAC Metadata to DIF DIF elementTPAC metadata Data_Center/Data_Center_Name/Short_Name[5][5]AU/UTAS/TPAC Data_Center/Data_Center_Name/Long_NameTasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing Data_Center/Data_Center_URLhttp:// Data_Center/Data_Set_ID(Same as Entry_ID) TPAC_categoryId _datasetId Data_Center/Personnel/RoleData Center Contact Data_Center/Personnel/First_Name (first name) Data_Center/Personnel/Last_Name (last name) Data_Center/Personnel/ Data_Center/Personnel/Contact_Address/AddressGPO Box 80 Data_Center/Personnel/Contact_Address/CityHobart Data_Center/Personnel/Contact_Address/StateTAS Data_Center/Personnel/Contact_Address/Postal_Code7001 Data_Center/Personnel/Contact_Address/CountryAustralia Distribution/Distribution_Media[6][6]Online Internet (HTTP) Summary Related_URL/URL_Content_Type[7][7]DODS_DIR Related_URL/URL ***DIG LIB URL???*** Metadata_NameCEOS IDN DIF Metadata_Version9.4 DIF_Creation_DateDate of creation of DIF record. Last_DIF_Revision_DateDate of last revision. DIF_Revision_HistoryRevision history.
TPAC Mapping TPAC Metadata to DIF DIF elementTPAC metadata Entry_IDTPAC_categoryId _datasetId Entry_Title >> Data_Set_Citation/Dataset_CreatorTasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing Data_Set_Citation/Dataset_Title Data_Set_Citation/Dataset_Series_Name Data_Set_Citation/Dataset_Release_Date Data_Set_Citation/Dataset_PublisherTasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing Data_Set_Citation/Online_Resource Personnel/RoleTECHNICAL CONTACT Personnel/First_NameGlenn Personnel/Last_NameHyland Discipline/Discipline_Name[1][1]EARTH SCIENCE Parameters/{Category,Topic,Term,Variable}[2][2]GCMD valids best matching DODS variable ‘long_name’ attributes. Manual ISO_Topic_Category[3][3]Probably climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere or oceans. Manual TemporalCoverage/Start_DateMay be possible to derive from DODS variables or attribute values. Manual TemporalCoverage/Stop_DateMay be possible to derive from DODS variables or attribute values. Manual Data_Set_ProgressComplete Spatial_CoverageFor some datasets, may be possible to derive from DODS variables or attribute values. Elements are optional if not relevant. Manual Location/Location_Name[4][4]Global Data_ResolutionMay be possible to derive from DODS variables or attribute values. Manual cont …
TPAC Discovery Results
TPAC Visualisation Portlet Data Retrieval Portlet Analysis/Model Portlet Web Map Service Web Processing Service Web Coverage Service OAI Library Search API (Java) Live Access Server (LAS) OPeNDAP Server GrADS Server/Models Meta data Crawler Digital Repository Gridsphere Portal Web Services Application Layer Data Layer Hardware Layer Compute Engine Config Meta data Discovery Portlet Grid Project: Current Status Grid Users GIS Users Traditional Users
TPAC LAS Architecture LAS data server back end application LAS UI server configuration metadata (XML) server data commands UI (java/script) browser LAS request (XML) products The Live Access Server (LAS) is a highly configurable open-source Web server designed to provide flexible access to geo-referenced scientific data (mainly oceanographic and atmospheric datasets).
TPAC Server-side Visualisation Services
TPAC Server-side Visualisation Services
TPAC Server-side Visualisation Services
TPAC Server-side Visualisation Services
TPAC wrapper LAS – WMS Wrapper LAS data server back end application LAS UI+ server configuration metadata (XML) server data UI WMS Client WMS GetCap. LAS XML Capabilities XML LAS–WMS converter servlet 1.Maps from LAS metadata to the WMS ‘capabilities XML’ (i.e. metadata returned in response to a WMS GetCapabilities request).
TPAC wrapper LAS – WMS Wrapper LAS data server back end application LAS UI+ server configuration metadata (XML) server data commands+ UI WMS Client LAS request (XML) products WMS GetMap LAS–WMS converter servlet 2.Maps from a WMS GetMap request to a LAS data request.
TPAC Mapping WMS to LAS Requests WMS request A WMS request for air temperature data for the COADS dataset would look like: 180,-90,180,190&WIDTH=800&HEIGHT=600&LAYERS=airt&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/gif LAS request The corresponding LAS request would look like: