Something about australia Australia is the sixth largest country in the world.
Something more about australia -People in Australia speek one of many English language form. -Austraulia is a member of Commonwealth of Nations. -Australia emblem looks like this:
Politics in austrailia Australia politics is constitutional monarchy with a bicameral parliament. Australia has got a supervisor ,the Queen Elizabetheen second. Australia senate in six-year term have got a 76 senators.
status of the population First three city with the highest population 1.Sydney4 293 100 New South Wales 2.Melbourne4 000 000 Viktoria 3.Brisbane1 810 900 Queensland
architectural wonders
Animals in australia
Map of australia
wonders of nature On this picture we can see the Vampire Rock.
Capital of australia Australian capitol is Canberra. Canberra is eighth most populated city in all australia and has got 323 000 residents.
Australian open
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